Can somebody please explain?

Can somebody please explain?
What does stopping russians from playing video games do?
This feels like shit done out of spite.

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To incite a revolution

Against Microsoft and sony?
This feels retarded.
Would microsoft and sony want putin head on a pike because some kids couldn't play fortnite?
This feels like a retarded idea

Russian population against putin and his stupid war that will ruin them all

A government, even the most tyrannical dictatorships require some degree of support from the population. So one of the ways to win a war is to make the war directly or the government responsible for the war be disliked by the people. This can be done by sanctions related to the war.

This is what ukraine is doing. Ukraine stands no chance in a straight up armed conflict with russia, this is why they reach out to others to punish russia. It is a war of convincing people, thats also why ukraine puts out all of the memes, why the president and military are doing many media stunts (like the president saying to the americans that he does not want a taxi but weapons, this message was not the the american government, it was to the public).

With the internet they can transmit directly to people, pictures and videos are shared all around the globe. Ukraine cannot win with militairy power but with public support. This is probably the first great meme war, and as it looks ukraine is actually winning it.

>This is probably the first great meme war
This is probably the most cringe and reddit-tier shit i’ve read all day.


What are the chances all this backfires and pushes Russians on the fence more against the west and towards the war? Sanctions have historically tended to be a failure and doubling down doesn't seem like it's a homerun, especially when a large portion of the country being targeted is inclined to believe the what their government tells them.

Of course it's done out of spite. Our culture knows nothing else.

Isolating Russia from the world, is a pretty good punishment tbh probably hasn’t gone far enough yet

>So one of the ways to win a war is to make the war directly or the government responsible for the war be disliked by the people. This can be done by sanctions related to the war.
Or by creating unnecessary hardships by people living under said regime by outside pressure, you could end up having the opposite reaction rallying them behind their leader and their government.

Attached: o3c2s.jpg (620x452, 36.04K)

>hardships by people
I've made an error.

Attached: monitor-tos-shine-theparadisesyndrome.jpg (640x480, 39.41K)

>What does stopping russians from playing video games do?
It takes away Putin’s bread and circuses and leaves behind a population which is forced to contemplate its miserable state courtesy of their kleptocratic government

I wish Russians would be range banned from Any Forums next, the quality of every board would improve dramatically without Putin’s misinfo agents sowing discord

Exactly, it's a weak strategy. It has a possibility of working but not a particularly reliable one. The western democracies are essentially desperate to punish Russia because they can't engage the them militarily and it's a huge embarrassment, so they're doubling down on what is at best a consolation strategy and at worst a self-defeating pr stunt.

although you are correct about the intentions regarding OPs question about xbox and playstation (OP is as gay as always asking dumb shit), you are wrong about one thing in your analysis.

As much as Russian COULD steamroll Ukraine and occupy it, its an unwinnable situation and clearly shows how dumb Putin is in thinking he can pull this off.

Ukraine is about 40million people, and there is a lot of urban areas. Russia is already financially in shambles and it takes A LOT of $$ to occupy a country. There is no way Russia can occupy Ukraine for long, and no way to turn the whole country over. This is at Europe's doorstep. It costs too much. Ukraine will be well and easily supplied by neighboring countries with supplies and weapons. Ukraine just needs to dig in and rebel in guerrilla warfare with nice western weapons and plenty of funding, and Russia will just wear out.

It was a dumb move and it will cost Russia quite a bit and Putin is coming out of this looking like a retarded jackass.

you clearly don't know Russians. Russians, especially new generation Russians, are not very concerned with Soviet era bullshit and idolize their nation. Russian is a shit show and always was a shit show. They care about having food, shelter and not having to live in shit. This is why sanctions work. Nobody wants to live in absolute financial ruin, no prospects, etc., just because some moron decided that he wants to get an ego boost by taking over Ukraine. Don't you think CHINA couldn't by force roll into Taiwan? Sure they could. They don't because it would be political suicide. Best to leave the status as is and see how it plays out politically. Russia should have done the same and just at most fucked with those areas where there are some separatists and leave it at that.

Putin went full retard. You never go full retard.

>sanctions work
Except in North Korea, Iran, or Syria.

Their economy are smaller and less dependent on the west

>This feels like shit done out of spite.
Kinda like shelling children hospitals so the great leader can get more money from exploiting the annexed country's natural resources.

Your leader, your problem. We're taking our ball you can go play by yourself with a rock or you can organize to get your government out of the stone age.

>Invade a country with military
>The invaded country is to blame for putting pressure on the invaders country
Nobody except those already rallying will buy that logic.

>western democracies are essentially desperate to punish Russia
you need to lurk more. Nobody outside of Ukraine really gives a shit about this - but it is a perfect platform to do political posturing and get in front of cameras/people. The west is not scared of Russia. Nobody has given a shit about them since the cold war ended. The only thing the west fears is China - and that is being generous.

Everyone knows, Russians are not going to allow themselves to be destroyed the way they were destroyed during WWII and under Stalin. Putin could never pull it off. Russians are going to get tired of being broke, and revolt. Eventually, government will have to make a change to quell the revolution or will be replaced.

Again, even CHINA, with its deeply entrenched authoritarian government, knows better than to piss of its own people by doing dumb shit. These aren't some backwoods mud-hut countries like Iraq and Afghanistan that are stuck in a different century/millenia. Russia and China are 21st century nations.

if you are comparing Russia or China, to NK, Iran, Syria or Cuba, you are an idiot.


This might be the dumbest comment I’ve seen on Any Forums and that’s saying something

>you could end up having the opposite reaction rallying them behind their leader and their government.
The dumber more influenceable ones always went that way. It can't be helped. Especially considering that the propaganda is paper thin and the truth is impossible to hide now that we have the internet.

>The western democracies are essentially desperate to punish Russia because they can't engage the them militarily and it's a huge embarrassment,
The only embarrassment going on right now is on the Russian side, knowing that if it wasn’t for the threat of mutual nuclear annihilation that their conventional military would get steamrolled by western powers like how the US steamrolled Iraq in 91 despite having the third largest military in the world and everyone else expecting a Vietnam style quagmire.

Their performance in Ukraine has been nothing short of a debacle and China is watching and knowing that their own military is closer in quality to Russia’s than it is to NATO’s, and realizing how badly western powers can economically box a country in and leave them as a destitute, irrelevant shithole.

I hope they do this. Then I can play without getting killed by that one asshole who always does

Its not unwinnable at all. Russia is just taking back its old territories. Countries that still hold on to their land are watching. Ukraine is seeming like the bratty child. Making their citizens fight without training. Complete childishness. Its interesting to see this.

>This feels like shit done out of spite.

>China is watching and knowing that their own military is closer in quality to Russia’s than it is to NATO’s, and realizing how badly western powers can economically box a country in and leave them as a destitute, irrelevant shithole.
I don't think that is even possible, China makes too much of our shit. Of course if we decide to somehow go without they would crumble in a week.


What do you think would happen to your business if your overwhelmingly largest customer stopped buying your shit?

The US and China are so heavily entangled economically that military confrontation would be truly ruinous for both sides. China is far, far more comfortable waging “lawfare” fighting in international courtrooms with phalanxes of lawyers instead of dreaming about military conquest of empires long past.

you really need to read more, stay quiet and let the grownups speak and you listen, so that maybe some good stuff sinks in, stop listening to your faggoty friends talk shit about shit they don't comprehend, and for fucks sake, try to filter the dumb shit you think so it at least doesn't come have to come out of your mouth.

Long term Russian occupation of Ukraine is not possible. Logistically, militarily, financially, politically, its a dead end. Anyone who knows their history of war, political affairs and all that, knew this from the start. After several days of this lack-luster performance and the dumb shit that has come out of Putin's mouth, it should be clear to everyone that has half a brain.

Their populations are smaller, too. And none of them have 40% of their economy providing a critical chunk of Europe's energy. They've been hurt by economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation like Russia is being right now and it hasn't toppled their regimes.

Yeah but I’m the case of something like Syria, their regime survived by sucking up to Russia for protection. Who does Russia go groveling to for protection from western powers?

Those populations were already living a shit life. Sanctions didn't do shit to Syrians, Afghans, etc. Not to mention, you are talking about a place that has an added element which is RELIGION to control the populace. Russia doesn't have that in their tool box. Russia cannot control their population. Everyone in Russia is clear about the mafia, the corruption, the bullshit, the propaganda, etc. But since it was open enough for people to make a living and some money coming it, whatever who cares. Going from that to having NOTHING and doing lines for food and not having a way to live, really is going to piss off the Russians. Syrians - they were already fucked long before sanctions ever happened. Last week Russians were living their normal lives. This week, not so much. And it will get worse.

Stop talking now and let other people with some intelligence pitch in.