K9-Mail will become Thunderbird for Android

K9-Mail will become Thunderbird for Android.

Attached: file.png (665x595, 95K)

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Forgot the link: blog.thunderbird.net/2022/06/revealed-thunderbird-on-android-plans-k9/

Maybe now they can focus on Thunderbird on desktop not being a steaming pile of shit.

Bad news :(

This is good news, it means Mozilla hasn't thrown Thunderbird away to the vultures like I thought they did.

You're mom will become Thunderbird for Android.

I'm not mom.

They did better. Thunderbird is independent of Mozilla.

Imagine Firefox being independent of Mozilla, too.

Seems like a good decision. Instead of building from scratch, K-9Mail is a good FOSS base with a lot of the same features and well appreciated. Seems everyone can win here. Its great to see Thunderbird finally getting some improvements too on Desktop instead of just sitting in maintenance mode where other email clients and services pass it by.

>Thunderbird is independent of Mozilla.
Wrong, it's independent form Mozilla corp.

Moz foundation has two for-profit subsidiaries, Mozilla corporation and MZLA Technologies, Moz corp is responsible for firefox, MZLA Technologies is responsible for Thunderbird.

werks on my machine

More details here.

Now I just need to find a decent mail service that works with it.

neat I guess

Will K9 use GeckoView?

To render html, probably. Similar to firefox for android, everything UI will stay native.


No, nothing will change.

I replaced FairEmail with K-9 today, nice coincidence.

That developer is such a dramaqueen. Instead of being a Chad and giving the middle finger to the botnet by taking his applications to F-droid, he initially just archived the repos and called it quits. Now he seems to be back as daddy Google allowed him back on the platform.