How any of these books will make me a better cpp programmer

how any of these books will make me a better cpp programmer

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If your goal is to become a better cpp programmer I would suggest you too pick a book about cpp


I have read none of those

my software engineering textbook mentioned "the mythical man month" though

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ummm that looks like norvig down there? or you haven't read it?

You should atleast read through K&R, Lang's Basic mathematics and keep sicp and clrs and AOCP as reference books.
mythical man-month is good light reading if you like that
How to solve it, generating functionology and proofs from the book is good if you like math.
Concrete mathematics isn't on this list, but is also good for learning some math that is slightly relavent to computers.
Compilers is good to skim in a day or 2 and use a reference if you ever need it.
Maybe add in a book on combinatory logic.

>How to solve it, generating functionology and proofs from the book is good if you like math.
They aren't related to computers/compsci at all, though.
Algebra, real and complex analysis are complete memes
and everything that isn't about algorithms/complexity but don't contain realistic implementations are compelte memes.

"Tall Kitchen Bags" sounds interesting, who's the author?

>algebra, real and complex analysis are complete memes
TIL the entire field of digital signal processing is a meme, and the paper I'm reading demonstrating an accurate, fast DCT algorithm with the least number of multiplications possible is a complete meme

lol, I didn't paint the kitchen that color I swear, the dumb women did that one year like 15 years ago.

>digital signal processing
That is almost completely irrelevant to Rudins. Rudin contains 0 application to anything outside other theorems. The chapter on Fourier transforms is 15 pages long and 0 digital signal processing techniques are discussed and certainly doesn't talk about DCT or anything discrete and I bet your paper doesn't cite Rudin

What does ccp mean?


That's not what it means, give me a real answer.

>What does 1+1 equal, and don't say 2; I want a real answer.

0.5 * 4

see plus plus

aka the chaddest most comfy and interesting language in existence

C++ uber alles

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Wouldn't it be cpp?
Why is it the chaddest language?

C is a functional language
while (x --> 0)


Yes, CPP

Performance. Complexity. Endless fun, interesting things.

Literally more performant than C just from giving the compiler more information. Also has the ability to write template metaprograms that pre-compute code and store the result in the binary.

You can literally pre-compute every possibility of a program that would normally be doing the stuff at run-time and just display the results--while writing the same code to compute it at run-time.

As computers get more and more memory, it may actually be possible to start pre-computing things like video games. It would be unfathomably data storage intensive at the present time, but that may not always be the case. Every possible action you could take in a deterministic (single player) game might be possible to run in a kind of "solid state" that takes user input and displays what the computed result should be from the pre-computed data store.

It's just so goddamn flexible, I suppose.

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and even if it isn't possible to pre-compute the entire problem set, pre-computing a subset of the problem could accelerate the software substantially.

eventually a game could be like an interactive pre-computed 3d movie

>an entire field of math is a meme because they didnt cite one textbook nobody even reads out of anyway
lmao ok retard
Guess why I understand Shannon's sampling theorem and its proof? Because I learned precisely the kind of math you call complete meme irrelevant to engineering.

I'm new and you lost me a bit there.

>Shannon's sampling theorem
That's literally shit you learn in the first couple weeks of any digital signal processing book, not Rudins book. You do realize people have been using these methods long before they were proved right?

take this program for example, it computes the 100th fibonacci number at compile time, the code is the same for doing the computation at run-time, but it runs at compile time and the result is stored in the executable. It can be switched to run at run-time just by calling the function with a value that isn't constexpr.

//constexpr dynamic programming fibonacci of n
constexpr size_t getFibOfN(const size_t n, const size_t currentN = 0, const size_t previousFib = 0, const size_t currentFib = 1)
if (n