Erasing data no trace

Basically I need to erase all data from my hard disk without leaving a single trace of recoverable data.
How can I do this Any Forums??
And no before you ask, no I'm not some pedo child predator lol
I need to do this so police can't investigate my laptop after I kill myself.
(Pic not related)

Attached: download.jpg (124x124, 4.05K)

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Give it back jamal

if you were actually planning on killing yourself why would you care about your drive? why not throw the drive in a lake? you made this thread as a cry for help, or something. gtfo Any Forums and talk to someone you trust

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda

If it's an SSD you can never truly wipe the disk

Blow it up.
throw it in the sea
take it apart and break the platters/drill the chips.

Smash the drives with a hammer then proceed to burn them in a roaring gasoline fuel fire.

Idc about the drive (that's why i want to erase it) but my family would
I just don't want them going through my personal shit after I'm dead.
Also I'm too far gone for help rn

for i in {0..5}; do
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX

I'm too young to do any of these though
I mean I can do it but my family will get suspicious

Isn't it something to do with magnets? Which can totally fry a hard drive. Or microwave? I forget really. By the way hope you kidding about killing yourself. Not the right option ever in any situation

smash it, piss on it, shit on it, vomit on it, do anything to make touching it something not the most fucked up people would do

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda status=progress
this will fill your hard drive with zeros
make sure to replace /dev/sda with the disk you want to wipe (if you're not sure, run fdisk -l)
also if you want to fill it with random data instead of zeros, use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/zero

unrelated: why do you even care if police investigate your laptop, you'll be long gone by then


Thanks but idk if it will work cause I use windows

It won't. Use a liveUSB Linux distro (e.g. Arch), it comes pre-packaged with those tools.

don't kill yourself, overwrite the drive several times with dban and then physically destroy it

I don't want anyone finding out the exact reasons why I decided to off myself

Fuck off faggot
>Give me solution
>Anons give solution
>I wont do that

Thank you bros