I converted to Islam at the age of 35, ama

I converted to Islam at the age of 35, ama

Attached: 2SjJ7QXs.jpg (820x536, 53.54K)

Do you prefer fucking goats or boys

Are you Michel Houellebecq?

Men, notably my husband, since I am a woman. No bestiality.

Bacha bazi is not a Muslim practice. In Afghanistan the Taliban fought pretty hard to eradicate it, back in the '90s.

When do you get your suicide vest

Enjoy hell.

In that case, tits or gtfo

No but we will get him* someday iA

*meaning our dawah will convince him to see the light of God

I don't buy into alienation and despair, so no suicide vest, no school shooting, etc.

Dis you?

Attached: Muslim_Child_Bride_Wedding_Afghanistan.jpg (575x553, 75.73K)

Out of all of the pictures you could’ve posted, you chose to put one with Hafez al-Asaad in it?

I think the point is that no one enjoys it

I think you just might

So when are you gonna become a suicide bomber?

Post tits

lol fair. I just grabbed something near the top of my image folder. I'm an observant Sunni, the Assads are not beloved to me. Here's a better image

Attached: 54fec16132562a7500a468ed3a3b1ba0--weed-babys.jpg (492x408, 25.33K)

I said I'm an adult convert. Don't give me your ajr so easily

Bless you for your confidence in God

No plans for bombs or suicide

Attached: neal.png (480x360, 220.24K)


WWYD if all infidels were shrunk to an inch tall?

Try to avoid stepping on them and thank God they'll consume fewer resources

Allahu Akbar brother welcome back , not really a question just saying I’m happy for you and pray you God give you the strength to stay on the right path

Just take it slow make sure to keep your 5 daily prayers above all and the rest will sort itself out in time , also take it slow with your family and pray for them , show them Islam in your actions as he patient

>and thank God they'll consume fewer resources
Would you wish the same had happened to believers as well then?

How many wives you got?