Today is the 2nd time Linux almost burnt my house down...

today is the 2nd time Linux almost burnt my house down. Yesterday i shut down my laptop running endeavour os and put it on a foot stool, my girl friend layed her wool blanket on top of it but little did any of us know Linux failed to shutdown properly as systemd had some hang up issue. so the laptop was just running underneath a wool blanket for like a day. just picked it up this morning and it was like a mini oven. don't even know how it's even still working.

The other time this happened as a similar issue, had to fix a desktop computer for an older guy and rather than reinstall vista i went with kubuntu. it worked well for a while but he shut his pc down to go on vacation and closed the cabinet door it was in but Linux once again failed to shutdown properly, got hung up during the process and was left running in the closed cabinet for an entire week. when the guy returned home from vacation the pc was toast.

I could just blame this on Linux i guess but in reality i think this is a systemd problem. Before systemd i never recall a time my system wouldn't shut down when i asked it to.

There should never be a time when we have to "Wait a stop job is running" if a process wont exit when it's told YOU KILL THAT FUCKER. end of story. the end user is trying to power off their machine.

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>so the laptop was just running underneath a wool blanket for like a day.
Wow that's good battery life

>>I could just blame this on Linux i guess but in reality i think this is a systemd problem.
I think the problem here is your retarded "girlfriend"

i've never had systemd wait longer than a few minutes before killing a process during a shutdown

Redhat monolithic code moment.

wouldn't have happened with runit
>but my servicerinooooos
fuck you
when i turn off the machine it needs to turn off

Never had this problem with Fedora
A properly configured systemd system doesn't have this problem. Problem starts when you got retarded script kiddie maintaining your distro services.

which is better. openrc or runit?

I have literally never seen the stop job is running thing. Never.

Wool doesnt really burn so you would be fine, stop crying retard. Also beat your girlfriend for putting a blanket over a laptop without checking if its on.

Runit. There needs to be more distros to support it though.

i prefer runit because it's extremely simple
it's just bash scripts and symlinks
openrc is a bit obtuse but it's still nicer than systemd

BIOS cuts power if the sensors read above critical temperature, at least in any modern machine.

i think your gf might be a cia agent trying to get you to use pozzed tech

söystemd is not linux
sucks to use a shitty distro

Wtf puts anything on top of a laptop on or off?

shutdown now works on my machine

systemd must be phased out eventually.

We warned you about SystemD. You didn't listen.

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>dont set timeouts

>shitty behavior by default