Are there women out there who like body types like mine?

are there women out there who like body types like mine?

Attached: 2934023429342.jpg (774x1468, 631.06K)

No but id let mine stroke your tiny cock out of pity

Fuck no.

No, just kill yourself already.

I basically look like that (except I'm uncut).


are you from the UK?
yeah, I figured lol probably why I don't ever get any female attention
I'm not suicidal at all. I just am a late bloomer and I'm trying to get more confident in my body. I know I am a bit chubby but I used to be fatter and i'm still shedding pounds now.

The key to losing weight is controlling carbohydrates, starches and sugars, stay away from potatoes, pasta, rice and bread and anything with grains like rice, oats and wheat... Eat only lots of fruit and veggies and a little meat

have you ever had a girlfriend?

Turn around. Let's see the back

I'm not really into guys lol but I have taken a pic of my butt before

I always say, if your body don’t look too good, bring the attention to the face. Grow out the hair or maybe beard, and wash it too to avoid pimples and zits. Really all I can offer, unless you work out, thats really the best option.

Unfortunately not user.

My face isn't bad looking I have been told before. I have blue eyes, a short beard and a moustache.

But potatoes taste so good!

I'm not rom the UK either, I just posted a thread about average penis last night and I had a guy from the UK saying he'd let his girl finish me off

dawg someone out there is jerking off to fat ugly men doujins so surely there are fish in the sea that like your body type. as a guy i love my fat bitches so surely there are women who love fat ass ugly men

No one is attracted to that body type. Do keto. It helped me lose 150lbs in a year. The only problem I have now is that I have loose skin. You'll get bitches simply by telling them that you lost the weight, you'll feel better about yourself and the confidence will step up your game. Give it a solid strict month, and the results will motivate you to continue.

You look like Desmond from smiling friends

Attached: Desmond.png (669x798, 443.3K)

I highly doubt there are women out there who would chase down a body like that... BUT if you have confidence then you would be surprised how many girls would look past an imperfect body and do some dirty, dirty things with you

Kill yourself fat fuck

do you feel better about yourself saying that? I am happy with myself and have no desire to do that.
I just need to find one who likes fat ugly men lol
okay? is this supposed to be an insult cause I don't care

Work out an hour a day at home and diet. You will be surprised how your body changes in just a few months. Even if it's just going for a walk 20 mins a day and watching what you eat will help alot user.

i have a beer gut irl and smallish but visabile man tits from drinking alot but i got my chubby gf by pure chance. that being said yours will come one day i know it. ill try not to be too preachy but i literally prayed for ages and got my gf who i am to marry soon. so please hang in there brother. plus if you are insecure about dick size. needles can be used in sewing machines