Well Any Forums?

Well Any Forums?
How do we fix this?


Attached: 1655239586264.png (382x388, 179.54K)

Post processing filter applied to every image generated that detects and removes unacceptable content such as w***e m***s.

>they're all iMacs

That's not bias. That's statistics, thus representative of population. If you randomly sample 1000 programmers, 990 will be males. Or is she gonna reject statistics because everything has to be balanced 50-50?. Bias is when there's irl 50-50 representation of males and females, but the algorithm shows you all males.

>That's not bias. That's statistics, thus representative of population
they should all be chinese and Indian then

>some shitter from Any Forums spams the n word over 1,000,000,000 times into a dataset
>the algorithm now repeats the n word 1,000,000,000 times
>that's not bias it's just statistics lol you cant reject statistics not everything has to be balanced 50-50

>Guys I keep reading science textbooks and they keep saying there's no physical evidence for God. How do I change society so textbook authors can no longer say this?

Yes, ask dalle authors to include every programmer across the world.
Two statistics things for you freshman:
If someone intentionally spams nigger, then 1000000000 nigger word is an outlier and is filtered.
If a lot of people write nigger, then having 100000000 niggers means the population (Any Forums users) speaks nigger more compared to other words in Any Forums.
How do you distinguish between these two cases? Depends on the researcher identifying the exact source of this anomaly.

We need more nigger women.
>nigger woman programmer
>nigger woman scientist
>nigger woman president
>nigger woman CEO
>nigger woman supreme court justice
>nigger woman plane pilot
>nigger woman on the moon

What's the statisticians go-to tool for ignoring that 10% of the population commits >50% of all violent crime?

If you want a 109-example of bias in physiognomy and my highly accurate jewdar, I present to you: #theschnozonthisone

Attached: nanna_inie.jpg (258x258, 10.83K)

nose gave away

Is she an innie?

>90% of programmers are male
>it spits out male for 5 out of 9 examples
Also did she just assume the gender of those made up people?

>they should all be chinese and Indian then
They are, just molten together with everyone else.

How do we fix this, Any Forums?

Attached: 1646379985222.png (760x822, 700.94K)

We need to fight for male strippers, this is sexist


AI bias is inevitable because computers are not sapient and cannot understand the difference between a quantitative fact and a qualitative one. Getting offended by it is stupid and disingenuous.

No trannies, fat and bald or indians.
Yes biased stock photos dataset.

Most stock photos are likely white dudes in a business attire, this AI just puts together shit from google images

is that a futa in the mid-right cooming into a vase?

They are too busy doing the needful to be wasting time being photographed for a dataset.

It's everything you want it to be :)

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-14 232414.png (772x841, 1.25M)