This is the table that renewable energy shills don't want you to see.

Nuclear power has 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 times the amount of energy per cubic metre as solar power, and wind and (snrk) hydroelectric don't do much better. That's one quintillion, or one billion billion. Solarfags just have no chance of competing with those figures. Read em and weep.

Attached: limitstorenewableenergy.jpg (883x316, 52.21K)

ah yes, the free limitless source of energy that is the son is a terrible source for my electrical consumption. i need to use literal nuclear fission and expose my family and land to danger just so i can be more efficient with my power production.

where do you get the uranium from? How much rock do you mine and process to get 1m3 enriched uranium. Speaking of enriched I assume it is not the natural form so needs a pre process step so that needs to be added as well.
You are making the same mistake as the renewable shills. There is no one size fits all solution nuclear has massive drawbacks and without massive government subsidies you get companies cutting corners everywhere and thats very very bad in the case of nuclear.
> inb4 thorium, molten salt meme
show me a working reactor that scale and is available as a commercial product they don't exist I might as well point to SETs and say hey thats the future we don't need so much energy.


yes. until solar reaches 90-95% efficiency and a cost reduction of at least 50% it's fucking useless.

>is a terrible source for my electrical consumption. i
It's worthless on its own unless you have a magical solution that can power a city during a cloudy week with no wind.
>expose my family and land to danger
The french are still doing fine in that regard. Imagine falling for fearmongering propaganda.

why does it need to power a city? what if everyone was responsible for their own energy production?

cool it with antisemitic remarks

haha, gotem, now just need to maintain this radioactive material for millions of years.

Attached: 1644826572005.jpg (250x246, 8.08K)

Hey what about cosmic rays??????? Then we could keep cosmic ray arrays in our basements. PLUS you can stack the arrays over and over since the cosmic rays go through physical objects.

I have better idea, we just need to stop coomsuming. Public infrastructure and production gets all the energy they need (healthcare, public transportation, universities, etc) and people get a limited amount of energy for necessary stuffs
People will finally get rid of their electricity and consooming dependency and we don't have to poison the land and people just because some faggots can have a home server

Nuclear is garbage now, we need fusion pipedream to become a reality.

>Nuclear power has 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 times

More pollution than all other sources combined and is the only energy source that is directly responsible for the greatest environmental disasters in this planet's history and the only source of energy that is readily weaponized into tool meant solely to cause mass extinction.

Go away.

Nah, we need more consuming. The faster Earth becomes inhabitable, the better.


Just like how you learned to accept LGBT people you will learn to accept that renewable energy is the way to go and that our environment must be protected. You know what that is called? Progress.

Nuclear, solar, wind, hydro, I don't care, just get us away from fossil fuels.

shoot it into space, problem solved.

1. Geothermal / Wave
2. Solar
3. Wind
10. Fission
1000. Fusion
99999999. plant fossil shit

Fuck off shit go die

Oil simps out.

Outdated af lol.
The new solar plants are making so much energy they're not profitable, because it can't be stored properly.
Not a fake problem, but a clear example of how efficient complex solar arrays can be.

But what about the energy required to extract those materials?

Ah yes, I'll just go grab my cubic meter of nuclear fuel. When I'm done with it, I'll just throw it away. What the fuck even is a cubic meter of solar in the chart?

Even with extreme subsidies, nuclear failed to be cost-competitive. It's becoming still less competitive over time. The fission resurgence is just like fusion power: perpetually just around the corner.

believe it or not personal autonomy does not scale for shit and sometimes you need more than what you can produce on your own, kinda the point of a civilization if i recall...

>because it can't be stored properly.
There are multitudes of ways to store the excess energy. Gravity batteries are a good example along with Water gravity and Lith

>More pollution than all other sources combined and is the only energy source that is directly responsible for the greatest environmental disasters in this planet's history
You just described coal....

>sun goes down
>solar plants stop providing electrical load
>no power storage tech yet
>nuclear doesn't give a fuck, continues proving electrical load regardless

>put it on the moon
wow so hard problem

>1. lets accelerate the irreversible cooling of our planet's core / mess up with the tidal effects and thus the orbit of our moon bro
>2. lets drop the albedo of our planet bro
>3. lets fuck the weather bro
>10. lets waste our only real means of interplanetary travel on fueling our gaymen rigs bro
>1000. lets fund scams bro
>99999999. lets burn useless plant shit we don't need for energy b... Huh?

I'd call you out for being a shill, but I know you're just doing it for the epic lolz, so right on brother!

that's the kind of attitude that get people stuck on welfare for the entirety of their lives. There's no reason you can't produce your own power. If the main argument is a lack of space that's a result of modern development that has people living stacked on top of each other.

>sun goes down
>solar plants stop providing electrical load
also not true, retard.
we can store more than enough energy to last through the night. the problem is they are so fucking efficient that there are not enough batteries to contain the extra output. Solar is blindingly efficient.