
Why aren't you using debian?

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I'm actually planning to install it on my HP Stream when it arrives next week. I'll be using the version with MATE. I'm pretty excited about it.

why should I?

I used it to set up my home server, it was a miserable experience. I have no idea how you people use this on a daily basis.

I need lastest Firefox that is the only reason Im using Arch.

My husband committed suicide after installing Debian

I have Devuan on my gaming machine because I was lazy, everything else I switched to Gentoo

MATE is the ultimate solution. Make sure you set up your menu bars!
It has the best open source kernel.
It just works.
You can download new stuff on any home computer.
My condolences.
Not a cool logo.

So many distros. So little time.

been running it since potato

Because it's not a rolling release distribution.

idk linux mint cinnamon is comfy and i am too lazy to distrohop

I use BunsenLabs lithium, does that count as debian?

apt sucks
rpm rocks

I am

Because their dated "stable" programs still have bugs.
Because they actually call it GNU/Linux, which hasn't been an appropriate name for a very long time and mostly exists to give disproportionate credit to someone who is now a schizophrenic satanic pedophile who lacks the mental competence to continue programming.
Because they waste my time by not including "ZOMG! PROPRIETARY!" wifi drivers.

I'm running debian on my home server and updates on it break things more often than my arch desktop.

I use Fedora, fuck Debian.

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Linux has gone to shit, that's why. systemd needs to be debloated, xorg is dying and being replaced with wayland trash, all the actual functional desktops (xfce, gnome, plasma) are becoming unreliable, unstable garbage (and fuck minimal desktops where you have to fucking reinvent every single thing that a goddamn desktop should do out of the box), the kernel is an unstable hacked together mess now thanks to rapid development bullshit, and the only reason people are using it is because it basically has a fucking shitty hackjob version of Windows available for it to play games poorly.
Linux used to be great before all this bullshit happened. Now, it's just dead. You can get distros with alternatives and all sorts of "fixes" for these problems, but they have their own set of issues and incompatibilities and aren't worth dealing with.

not a lesban

Debian 11 Xfce fuck Windows

Attached: coringao_-_debian-anime.jpg (640x360, 34.88K)

explain how systemd is bloated and why it needs to be "debloated"

Because I use Gentoo, it's superior in every way