My girlfriend just changed her pronoun to it… what the fuck, how do I explain I don’t want to call her it...

My girlfriend just changed her pronoun to it… what the fuck, how do I explain I don’t want to call her it, and I don’t approve of this fucking idiocy.

Attached: 922CB7AF-704B-485D-BE30-6DE214680AD0.jpg (1170x2532, 282.79K)

Have you tried getting your own balls out of your purse and straight up saying it to her face?

Tell her you don't see her as an object and calling her it makes her seem like she's not a person to you. That usually pulls at their heartstrings if you talk about your feelings.
Or just treat her like the object she wants to be.

show it abd it's body naked.

Yeah here's how you fix that issue "I'm not calling you that". If she kicks up a fuss and gets mad it you the end is already here bro, sorry.

Just tell her that since she’s not a woman anymore you’ll only fuck her ass and if she disagrees tell her you’re not going to call her “it” and that’s it’s bullshit.

You should send it picture related.

Attached: thumb_science-denial-isillogical-science-logic-spock-startrek-sciencemarch-19554262.png (200x202, 28.55K)

Nowadays, things are different. I’m 31, she is 22 dude. Hurrr durr

Lololol. Man. The fact that is now how she wants to be referred to, makes me crazy.

Dump her zoomer ass.

dies it want to be treated like an object or a thing?

SHE, doesn’t want to be treated as an object of a thing, SHE wants to be treated and identifies as a normal human, but now wants to be identified as “it”…. *SCREAMS.*. Oh and I’m sorry. She is 22, and hot, and I’m 31, with just average looks, so I’m not just gonna fucking kick her aside….

Read the post above. Holy shit..

Things are as different as you allow them to be. Personally I'd rather be alone than live with a mentally challenged person, but it's your call.

She isn’t mentally challenged, at all

>she is 22
So what? Are you so disgusting and undesirable that you can't land another young girl? Then you deserve to suffer with this zoomer bullshit. Fuck off you dumb desperate nigger

Your opening post begs to differ.

Yes. She is. No one who is any level of intelligent or even average would wish to be referred to as an “it.” You are dating a degenerate.

Sounds like a your gf is a sexdoll now

Says the person that probably hasn’t gotten laid in 8 years. Let alone with a smoking hot 22 year old. You are the small dicked nigger. You aren’t even a cuck, because a cuck sometimes gets laid

It does sound like that in retrospect