Which out of pic rel do you use and why

Which out of pic rel do you use and why

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 15-18-28 eurkey.png (PNG-afbeelding 1104 × 397 pixels).png (250x277, 23.77K)

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Insert is that key you hit by accident when you meant to hit Delete and then you start typing over text you didn't mean to

all except for insert (unless i'm using some terminal that doesn't support ctrl+shift+v), scroll lock and pause
print is obvious, pg down/up, home/end are for navigation

I use home and end a lot

All of them except scroll. Pause very rarely. The rest all the time

Pause for pausing Starcraft II

I still don't know what scroll lock does

pgup/down frequently
home/end commonly
insert is quite situational but I do use it from time to time
delete whenever I want to delete files in a graphical file manager

pause is for pausing games, so I've used it, but very rarely nowadays
scroll lock I can't recall using
printscr I used to use for taking screenshots back when I was a winfag but now I don't use it. alt-printscr is sysrq though, and I have used that.

the only key on the keyboard I would say is truly pointless and that I can't recall ever using is caps lock.

Home, end, page up/down, and delete. I usually use a different shortcut for print. Delete is kind of more convenient than backspace when you're navigating text with ctrl, shift, and the arrow keys.

>Which out of pic rel do you use and why
Never for their actual functionality. Instead, I've tied screenshotting to ctrl+print. The scroll lock I use to switch between a custom keyboard layout and QWERTY. Otherwise I don't use them ever.

In excel scroll lock means you can scroll down whole pages when you hit the down arrow instead of going one cell at s time

all of them except scroll lock and pause

>Insert would be useful in a certain program
>doesn't work
>google it
>nobody bothered asking about it, or the only discussions are about how to disable it, which doesn't work backwards

I use Pause and Scroll Lock whenever I want to set a shortcut to be sure it doesn't overlap with any other button. For example I use Pause for the Steam Overlay. The others I use for their obvious intended purpose.

Only Delete, really, but I use it all the time. I recently got a 65% keeb and I miss Delete so much.

I use insert to toggle between insert and replace mode in vim.
Home to got to the top of a web page and alt home to go to my home page.

All but scroll lock and pause for text editing, terminal and some TUIs. I did use pause for a while back when I used emacs and had it bound to a function I can't remember.

>In the original design, Scroll Lock was intended to modify the behavior of the arrow keys. When the Scroll Lock mode was on, the arrow keys would scroll the contents of a text window instead of moving the cursor

cool, it's like mouse wheel


printscreen is useful for those "DO NOT REDEEM SCREENSHOT!!1!" webpages that try to keep secrets in a browser kek
on my devices, pressing scroll lock 6 times in a particular rhythm dumps all my crypto keys from RAM, encrypts everything, resets all the disk controllers, wipes RAM for good measure and shuts down the computer, in that order
pause is never bound to anything ever

>Which out of pic rel do you use and why
All of them.

If you never used it you did not use a computer.

most games map print screen to this

>Page UP
>Page DOWN

I rebind this to making a screen shot since some software can take over the print

>Scroll look
Rebound to start/stop recording screen I even get a free indicator light.

Obscure however has its uses.

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