How do i backup an android phone on loonix?

How do i backup an android phone on loonix?

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kde connect or probably syncthing

use google
>adb backup -all -apk -shared -f bbc_porn.ab

adb pull /sdcard

reboot into twrp and take an image then copy it to desktop

That's a very good idea user gonna do that right now.


Unless you have root you can't backup on android.

You can use a custom recovery like TWRP and do it without root

TWRP itself runs with root privileges.

Make in images of the emmc partitions in EDL mode.
>inb4 But my phone can't boot into EDL mode
Not my problem.

Attached: edl_cable.png (615x205, 9.75K)

Most android phone come with a backup option on the settings or something

I'm not sure if that's correct. It's a recovery, it isn't part of the os per se and wouldn't need to respect os-level permissions in any way. It's android (or more specifically the linux kernel itself) that enforces permissions, at least to my knowledge. Perhaps someone with in-depth knowledge could clarify this, as a quick google search with "twrp" and "root" in it does not deliver any useful result for obvious reasons.

It is correct. It runs on the same Linux kernel as the OS. It can decrypt, mount, modify, create and reformat file systems, all of which require root permissions at kernel level.

>plug phone into computer with USB
>open up phone files containing photos and music
>click and drag onto computer
>bingo bango
>it's backed up

Good to know. So if i were to install a broken kernel even the recovery wouldn't work, yes? At that point i presume I'd need to flash a fixed kernel while in the bootloader, correct?

And yes, I know Android lets you do some of these without root (like mounting SD cards), but only since it has a hardcoded list of some privileged operations you can do as normal user. Even then, it's some component running with root privileges actually performing the operation.
Yes. Some recoveries might come with their own copy of kernel as brickproofing mechanism, but it's still a Linux kernel since it has to support Linux drivers and file systems to do its job. Even if it ran a different kernel altogether it would still give you root level permissions the same way SYSTEM user does on Windows, so calling it anything else would be nitpicking either way.
BTW, twrp literally gives you a shell and comes widh adb support (which you can use to get a shell) and from there you can run Linix binaries - as root.

but you need root to flash twrp in the first place

That was my first thought as well, but then I realized all you need is an unlocked bootloader and fastboot to flash twrp. Still, twrp gives you full root, so it doesn't matter. Technically you still need root to properny backup on Android and twap provides it.

>Technically you still need root to properny backup on Android and twap provides it.
No. Technically you don't need root. TWRP is using linux so it uses root, but technically you could use twrp with a modified kernel without the entire permission system or just write your own kernel without permissions. Permissions only matter as long as they are enforced, and if you can just swap out the kernel there's nothing truly binding in the way.

>all you need is an unlocked bootloader
that's more elevated than root privilege