Turns out God's real. All the prophecies seem to be coming true...

Turns out God's real. All the prophecies seem to be coming true, the mark of the beast and so on even with the wars it predicted.

Whats your excuse now for being an atheist? Honestly it's not too late, accept Christ you will feel him in your heart and go to Heaven.

(This isn't a troll post, I've experience some actual spiritual shit)

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Christ was a hack who stole most of his ideas from the East.

>the prophecies foretelling the end of days happens before the prophecies foretelling the arrival of the messiah
What a twist!

Only problem is we are divided by our ideas, especially when it comes to purgatory and popes

What prophecies?
I am still an atheist and will fight if there is need to fight for the humanity and environment where we can be happy to live among each other.
I don't need god for that. A lot of the Christ's philosophy is coming from Greek one and some older Jewish one.
Even if I face death, I am ready whenever that happens. This is the way life rolls. I just don't like religion and this constant psychological manipulation that the religious leaders use so I am compliant.
The Rome only chose christianity because there weren't enough muslim fighters to make majority. So your religion is just something that came by chance.

Actually I could literally wait until the nuke is inches from the ground, as long as I accept christ in my heart as savior I'm going to heaven lol. So I front atheist while low key have the lords prayer memorized

That's a misconception I believe, you have to believe in Jesus sincerely. You can't just make yourself believe, only falsely believe which isn't something you can do in a split second before death.

Believing in Christ also means you are truly sorry for your sins. You can't believe in Christ and think all your sins were justified, that goes against Christianity. So in essence, believe now so you have time to build a connection with God.

>Turns out God's real. All the prophecies seem to be coming true, the mark of the beast and so on even with the wars it predicted.

Literally not a damned thing has been accurately predicted by Revelations. None. But please, stir up more shit so you can act morally superior to others.

You know, just like Jesus asked us to do.

No, what we're experiencing now is the time before ragnarok, where the world will be broken and remade. Soon the wolf will break its chains and devour the sun and the gods will wage the final battle. The signs have been foretold and now they come true

You mean just like the last time the world was ending and the time before that?
Christians have been talking of the end of days for about 1000 years now.

not OP but your post makes me sad. i am far from a perfect man but you should aspire to be more positive.

Jesus is coming back very soon for His believers. Then life on earth will get incredibly awful because the Holy Spirit goes up with us. The Holy Spirit is the only thing keeping a lid on the unimaginably horrific shit that is standing by.
But don't take my word for it- check out 5,000 years of amazingly accurate prophesy in The Holy Bible.
Inb4 bible is a jew scam

He aspires to leave the world a little better than he found it, how is that negative?

wait 3 days for the shrooms to wear off, youll be back to normal

Wars have been happening since the beginning of time you fucking retard. God is not coming to save you.

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The concept of God, as human cultures have envisioned, is highly simplistic. This is so that even the least intelligent people can understand God as it relates to them. The truth is that 1 of 2 things is true. 1 - We die and there is nothing. We never find out if there was is or was a higher power. We cease to exist. 2 - We die and find there is a higher power. In which case "God" turns out to be unfathomably complex and so far beyond our comprehension we would never be able to relate to "it" as a human. I'm more of an optimist and believe #2. Christianity (for the most part) has coopted "God" in order to further it's own agenda. Other religions are guilty of this too.

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>stir up more shit so you can act morally superior to others
Jesus was humble. The proper Christian attitude, if you follow the faith correctly, is humility

Well if you're 555 then I'm

Racist Jesus images making him into a euro-ized white man.

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>amazingly accurate prophesy in The Holy Bible.
You're a fucking idiot

You have to be at least 18 to post here, Timmy

Keep telling yourself that.
If you aren't afraid for your eternal soul then you fucking should be

Philippians 2:9-11-9-11 The Message (MSG)
Because of that obedience, God lifted him high and honored him far beyond anyone or anything, ever, so that all created beings in heaven and on earth—even those long ago dead and buried—will bow in worship before this Jesus Christ, and call out in praise that he is the Master of all, to the glorious honor of God the Father.