Is there an equivalent to this but without troons?

Is there an equivalent to this but without troons?

Attached: tumblr-logo.jpg (650x430, 11.92K)

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public internet forums sucks. you should know by now. just join a private channel somewhere and hang out there!

What features from Tumblr do you want?

A blogging platform where you can upload any kind of content (videos, blog posts, music...) and it can be commented and/or reblogged by other people in their pages, with site-wide content easily searchable. This looks like Facebook done right.


Attached: reblog-button.png (154x68, 4.69K)

It's not the same. For example, you can't enter, search for "dogs" and see a list of entries social media style.

tumblr is a microblogging platform, the only other existing one is twitter.

You can't have a space without troons. The minute you try to make one they lobby FAGMAN to make it so no one can use your service. They won't let you have anything.

This. It's absolutely hilarious to browse lesbian dating apps. You'll see 8 or 9, never-gonna-pass, caveman-in-a-sundress autogynophile troons for every actual woman.

Just make your own website to dump your stuff on. Then if you want the interaction set up a mail box for such or a forum.


Tumblr is still the best micro blogging platform ever created in my opinion. Forums-introducing-my

You can use tumblr just fine without running into trannies these days. Many of them left for Twitter after the porn ban. Moderation is extremely lax so you can post just about anything. If you aren't interested in porn, tumblr is quite usable.

Yeah, troons and SJWs tend to hang around twitter and discord nowadays rather than Tumblr. It's not 2016 anymore.

>without troons

>Is there an equivalent to this but without troons?

>tumblr is quite usable
I've used it. It's too cumbersome.


no but most of the trash went to twitter after the nsfw ban
it's like twitter and tumblr switched places

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