Name 1 (one) thing you can't do with Rust

Name 1 (one) thing you can't do with Rust

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Linked lists and circular data structures

According to Any Forums, be a woman

Get laid

ever be a woman

It can't make me woman, it was false advertising all along.

create a triple A game
prove me wrong, i dare you

Program an MPSoC to use an AXI Bus in order to read an IP Core

Sure you could. But with game industry dev practices, it'd probably be just as brittle and leaky as a C++ game.

False flag.

false "vagina"

use std::collections::LinkedList;

let list = LinkedList::from([1, 2, 3]);

Get a job

Run code before main. C++ has static initialization, Go has init() and Hare @init, but Rust literally can't do this.

That's right.. In rust, you literally can't make this mistake!

C++ templates can have class objects as template parameters. Does Rust has anything like that?

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Exactly, static initialization has a whole fiasco named after it.
Nevertheless it's something Rust can't do, not even if you use unsafe.

>your programs are not starting with
bool init = init();

i pity you

Right now the only values you can use to parametrize generics are integers (including char and bool). Support for values of other types is planned later, including user-defined types.
You can use macros to get a similar effect, though. They're a bit gnarly but they don't have the worst drawbacks of C's and C++'s macros.

Can rust be as smart as JS and do operations like
1=='1' is true
And 1==='1' is false.

Without relying on inbuilt method for parsing string to number or vice versa

I dont know this rust stuff doesnt seem too bad for web stuff.
I mean you wouldnt use c++ for web stuff.
Lets say i wanted to make an online file converter from webp to jpg for example.
Would i even need to use pointers even?

Seems like the imagemagick implementation in rust is pretty bare.
See thats the problem with rust, people trying to port everything to it but most stuff is missing.

If a 3A company tried doing that, the pajeets would unsafe {} everything.

Express type safe higher minded polymorphism at compile time