I'm on Mozilla matrix and a firefox release engineer accidentally pasted the access key for a moz corp zoom meeting and...

I'm on Mozilla matrix and a firefox release engineer accidentally pasted the access key for a moz corp zoom meeting and quickly deleted it. I saved it and made a zoom account with the name of an actual employee that i knew wouldn't be there (PTO) and joined so no one suspected anything. I cant say too much but basically firefox 105 is going to be the beginning of the next firefox redesign, theyre rolling out a feature called "privacy segmentation", im not sure what it is.

Attached: 1655156195223.png (445x162, 19.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>(((privacy segmentation)))

Attached: 1653695193013.png (860x639, 51.77K)

Whats the engineer name? We need to fire him asap

Anonymity is the lowest possible level of trust.

a bunch of shit you dont even know doesnt matter

Enjoy being tracking through favicons retard

but user....the graph says firefox partitions the favicon cache. Please learn to shill better

thanks but i'll be sticking with Edge!!

You can be tracked with these other storage APIs as well

>thanks but i'll be sticking with Edge!!
I hope you like floating tabs.

Attached: newedge.png (1524x985, 891.1K)

Enable Enhanced Tracking Protection


Firefox also has blob partitioning, which can be enabled by setting privacy.partition.bloburl_per_agent_cluster to true in about:config

Please tell me floating tabs are going away. I will drop Edge if mozilla gets their shit together.

kek. edge is adding floating tabs too in the next version. And no need to wait for mozilla, waterfox already exists.

>edge is adding floating tabs too in the next version


Ugh... it's over.

#navigator-toolbox[fullscreenShouldAnimate] {
transition: none !important;

.tab-background {
border-radius: 0px 0px !important;
margin-bottom: 0px !important;
margin-top: 0px !important;

userChrome.css breaks every few updates and you have to maintain it yourself. Best to just use waterfox which does it for you

>firefox 105 is going to be the beginning of the next firefox redesign
Mozilla go 3 months without completely redesigning firefox challenge (impossible)

and it'll still be slower than chrome lmao

Why diversity hires like this design choice again? It doesn't add anything but reduce the real creen state even more.

Works on my machine

Attached: 1655164895843.png (708x549, 82.34K)

I can only hope this is bait

Is Chrome adopting floating tabs too?