Fuck regex

fuck regex

Attached: 1645467812224.jpg (1024x723, 174.62K)

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Hand over the regex, it's not for you.


>t. filtered retard

yet another one fag that doesn't understand it

Literally just go to regex101.com and if you can't make sense of it with their interface you're 'tarded

I genuinely do not get people that say regex is hard.
It looks hard, and it is somewhat write-only, but writing it is pretty easy.
People that say regex hard probably have never used it at all

goooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning sir

Regex is good and useful, unlike you, so learn it:


>fuck regex
Yes. She's a sexy sexy bitch, and she loves it when you fuck her in unexpected ways.

Regex is awesome.

It's not hard. It just has to click.

Very useful combined with grep or find.
You don't need to learn the whole works for it to come in handy.

Answering the user from the previous thread, this is how I extract text from the PDF using Apache's PDFBox. I don't need to modify the layout, I just get what I need from the PDF and make a JSON out of it.
Then in another class I parse the resulting text with a shitload of patterns to pick up the data I need.

Basically I just get the raw bytes from the form-data and let PDDocument do its magic.
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper;

public class PDFUtil {

public static String extractTextFromPDF(byte[] pdf) {
try(PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(pdf)){

PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();

var result = stripper.getText(document);

return result;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("code did an oopsie");

Attached: file.png (984x250, 43.34K)

Yes, this is clearly simpler than just using regex

Attached: 1655155895957.jpg (926x704, 344.93K)

It can still do regex.

Can I use it to get laid

>He got filtered by regex

Attached: 1634109197339.png (1280x720, 437.24K)

>It still needs regex to make up for the deficiencies of GUIs

the problem with regex is there's so many standards to choose from. I tried for real