Has anything you've done made your life better?

Has anything you've done made your life better?

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Investing in stocks during coronaflu, developing social skills


A little. I always thought I'd get a job for a place to live. Instead I spent the entire time working homeless, and now that I got disability I have a place to live.
It's fucked up because I wanna work but if I start the state goes oh you can work no more benefits or housing

Yes but Im still just a cucked whiteboy

I meant to add the only reason I got disability was because I worked a little. So I guess it eventually got me housing indirectly

Not exactly.
Just lonely.

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Studying different languages, being multilingual made it easier for me to chat women online. I'm currently chatting with women thru different dating apps

I used to almost fluent in spanish but I dropped it for like 10 years. How did you learn?

i catfished a close friend into doing a bunch of cam shows. she never found out it was me but figured out it was catfish after a few months.

I felt bad about it so I deleted all the videos I saved. sometimes I really miss the anal ones but I know it's better this way

Nope. I genuinely made the effort too. I ruined my back in doing so.

I did that to my cousin. Now I have hours and hours of wankbank material. No regerts.

Yeah, college. Got a useful degree and use it to make decent enough money to facilitate a laid back lifestyle and (hopefully) comfortable retirement. Invest in yourself.

not even fucking close

Lots of personal growth.
From social akward 16 yo, to ripped cool guy around 19, got tons of girls.
Treated all of them like shit, even though I really enjoyed their company and the sex. Ate my first mushrooms at 22. Learn empathy start to hate myself for being so shallow and manipulative. Working it now. I wish I hadn't treated people I considered family like crap but without it don't know if I would be the humble and honest today

Yeah, I have landed a solid part time job, subsequently yielding available time to pursue my passion. Still need to find the motivation to get back on my obsessive "grind."

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is cousin hot?


Good shit, user. The best lessons in life come from the biggest fuck ups. Keep at the self-improvement, and never become complacent.

She is, but I don't shit where I eat. I have posted her on here before, but not in the same thread where I'm mentioned my relation to her. That would be foolish

that's heliobacter pylori (?)

i am violently self destructive, so not really


exercising, budgeting, reading for 30 min a day, quitting coffee, trying to actively foster relationships instead of "oh if it doesn't work then fuck it," quitting social media, trying to learn other languages, traveling

also, hating my old job and learning to apply to new jobs even though I had "friends and loyalty" to the other company. The new gig is 2x the pay and half the work, it's fucking insane. never stay at a shit job.

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more often than not, yeah.


Getting rid of my so called friends was one.
Stopped looking and jerking to porn was another.
And cutting way back on alcohol.

I'm feeling much better these days.

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