Free as in freedom

>Free as in freedom
>You don't own your computer
>X not respecting your freedom
>The "libre" shit will wipe out your hard drive or lock you out of it if you are from a country that's bad now
Freetards, explain? How is it different from different from a corporation deciding you can't use that?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You are free and legally allowed to change the software's behavior. This is not the case with proprietary software.

>>X not respecting your freedom
Wayland, however, does.

>X not respecting your freedom
in what way?
>The "libre" shit will wipe out your hard drive or lock you out of it if you are from a country that's bad now
the probability of proprietary software doing so is much, much higher
>You don't own your computer
i do, who said i don't?

Not literally, retards. X as in %blank%.


>be a shitty white nigger country
>keep trying to stir shit up for hundreds of years
>cause deaths of millions of people because of retarded politics and never ending hunger for power
>ruin economies of neighbouring countries for decades
>finance armies of internet trolls to try to meddle with people’s minds
>finance far right political parties and organizations trying to destabilize the western countries from inside
>finally push things to far and get what you fucking deserve
oh no poor russia

Oh, it's Russia you were referring to...

Attached: 1647736107768.jpg (1208x954, 253.7K)

If I was talking about america I wouldn’t say white. Many of these points could describe USA, yes. So what about it?

wait lol

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>Iraq over oil
Try again

It isn't. There's no difference between an self-righteous individual sabotaging your systems and a corporation doing the same thing, though corporations are usually more interested in profit than evangelism.
Where you're wrong is in assuming this is in any way common. There are very few developers demented enough to do this crap. Here's a list, so you can avoid them:

install Gentoo

the "freedom" meme is a lie, all freetards know it they're just in denial about it
no freetard will ever audit and change all 1.2 billion lines of code in debian

No proprietard will allow you to audit all 1.2 billion lines of code in their malware.

yes they do, security researchers audit windows all the time


Okay, where can I see the code?

>The "libre" shit will wipe out your hard drive or lock you out of it if you are from a country that's bad now
Do freetards really ?

download windows, open up in your decompiler or disassembler of choice
in before
>that doesn't count
yes it does, binary security matters in foss shit too

>Funneling US-taxpayer money into MIC.
Happy now?

>no industrial society?

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