Any Forums how do I stop?

Any Forums how do I stop?
I’m evil, but not just evil, a coward too. I can’t commit completely to evil, I’m too afraid and unwise, and yet I can’t resist my desires. I’ve tried to quit multiple times and have relapsed every time. I see the horror in my own actions and I understand the evil in what I do, and know what the repercussions would be if I were found out, but I can’t help myself. I seek guidance. Anyone who has passed through a similar turmoil please help me, I need a sign, an angel.
Pic related, its how I view myself

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Integrate the shadow.

If you can't imagine evil things, you are a victim to the world and everyone else.

Stfu and kys

>I’ve tried to quit multiple times and have relapsed every time
quit what? thinking about morbid shit? so what, you're not special

WTF are you talking about?

Get off the computer and get a hobby fag

Why do you think you are evil?

But I cannot integrate the shadow, I feel it integrating me. I need to wrest myself from its grip because whilst I can imagine evil things, I am still a victim of this world. There is no escaping it, where we are, when we are is what dictates to me my evil and I cannot evade these bounds. I need to conform or die.

Every fibre of my being tells me what I do is wrong, every internal and external factor in my upbringing and current mental state point to the fact that I am a bad person for it.

You’re also on the computer right now. I am using it to seek guidance on how to fix myself, and if you don’t know what I’m talking about already then your guidance isn’t what I’m looking for.


How many people have you killed so far, OP?

bump, please I’m desperate

Soounds like your actually a neurotic, with negative emotions. People who are *evil* generally do not recognize that they are *evil* just that they deviate from social norms they don't adhere to, and there is no guilt.

Neurotic, you are neurotic.

By knowing what evil things can happen, you have the tools learn how to overcome it.

The most desperate people in society are the ones who have evil things happen to them and they have no idea how.

Not that kind of evil.
That’s very interesting to be honest. But it is not my emotions that I’m ashamed of but my actions, and yet my guilt has done nothing to overpower the desire I feel from pursuing my sins. How can I empower my neuroses, let them take over my evil?

If your not larping for attention, a few first steps to get you out of your current negative emotional loop.

Wake up at the same time everyday.
Eat regularly, dont overdo it and stick for protien and fat as a rule.

Exercise regularly, dont have to be Mr. World. Just 45 minutes of stretching, lpushups and walking / running / jogging

Log off of Any Forums, get started.

The evil is on my end. Life has never done me wrong and yet I still crave the depravity of the sins in which I indulge. What I ask for is a cure, or at least a plan of treatment to fix my predisposition to sin.

*sin* is in your head bro, social rules vary from clique to clique, time to find friends who are into your *sins*

Dont be afraid of yourself, anything consensual between two adults is free game. Anyone telling you different if a coward and has never been comfortable with themselves.

You like cocks?

Welcome to being a person.

Underage b&

It’s more than an emotional loop, although admittedly this doesn’t sound like a terrible idea. I did this routine of exercise and nutrition to help me quit smoking, take my mind off of nicotine, but the other dark thoughts never left. I’ve felt them for over over 5 years now, piecemeal at first but now it’s taken over my life. Almost all of my free time is dedicated to it.

Therein lies the problem.

And why I need to conform to society or die.

Good and evil are merely temporary social constructs, it's not universal. They have no intrinsic basis in reality, they're mechanisms our minds use to direct our behavior and interpret reality in a way that manifests and justifies our emotions, prejudices, and biases. We are all evil in the eyes of someone else, but that said, it doesn't mean morality is useless as a construct, but our morals need to be guided by logic and evidence. There's no way to universalize morality, though, because our motivations and circumstances each differ. The best we can hope to do is discuss and understand a variety of different perspectives and try to maximize our harmony as a community to the best of our abilities.

In your case, it sounds like you suffer from some kind of mental illness (though most people do to some degree), and I'm guessing you struggle to control certain impulsive behaviors and then feel immense guilt afterwards. I recommend seeking help from a trained mental healthcare worker like a therapist, and seeing if they may diagnose you and provide you with medication and coping mechanisms to help control yourself and improve your state of mind.

Beyond that, it's hard for me to offer more advice without more information. I'd be willing to listen in more detail about what is plaguing you if you wish to tell me, but you don't have to feel obligated to.

What evil acts are you committing?

I think that, by definition, being evil also means being a coward (otherwise that would just be called a psychopath).
Evil people are cowards because they KNOW what is good and what is bad; they just choose the easiest way out of the guilt, which is to cover it up with temporary pleasure doing evil shit and never owning up to their mistakes.
Don't worry evil bro, eventually you'll have to decide between offing yourself or going mad. Alternatively you could, you know... stop being edgy and let in the guilt/shame?

There's no cure. Original sin. Humans are predisposed to sin.

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The sins of which I speak are unforgivable to all. Which is why I need to stop. But I can’t. Which is why I came here for guidance. This isn’t something I can talk to a therapist about.

So you rape kids?

Putin is that you?

OH...Your into kids. . .fuck man - that's fucked up.

Yeah, I have no advice for that man. Good luck trying not to fuck a child, you should consider committing yourself and getting help before you actually act out.

I was the one who suggested you talk to a therapist, but if you engaged in something illegal then I understand why you wouldn't want to do so. I'm not here to pass judgment and don't intend to report you to any authorities and I doubt anyone else here will, but if it's plausible deniability you need then use some creative euphemisms and I think we will get the picture. The more information we have to work with the more I think we might help you.