Based Jews

Based Jews

Attached: zelenskyy.png (986x864, 840.05K)


Pick one and only one, hooknose.

Cool nobody cares

Look, JIDFaggot. I will give you advice because you are the lesser of two evils.

If you want to help, go to any Nazi-dominated thread and start arguing. Everyone in the thread other than you is a Jew, explain why

Post the most lunatic shit you can possibly get away with arguing (don't sound too openly satirical), and when they start to accede to your bullshit or argue with them, purity spiral so hard that they can't keep up. Oh, they're white? HOW white? They're not a Slavic cumskin, Irish, or a Scott, are they? That's the same thing as being a nigger, you're not really white

Make them realize how ridiculous their worldview is by using it against them.

you're literally retarded and brainwashed. you just cant get over your kike masters version of ww2. hitler was allied with the iti's and the japs but hEs KiNg WhItE SuPreMaCiSt

Attached: jew adl.jpg (652x844, 103.64K)

seething goyim
jews will always rule over you, as god intended

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I don't care about WWII or about some guy in a stupid hat who raped some kids last Thursday. What I do care about is a bunch of dumb whiny faggots trying to astroturf my Any Forums with ridiculous political nonsense. If you're really a Nazi, make yourself useful and go bomb a federal law enforcement building or just follow your leader and shoot yourself in the face. Fucking nigger.

How about if Israel tries to take over the planet, we go ahead and nuke Israel, and if you retards try to take over the planet, we drive your leaders to suicide and hang them from ropes in front of the entire world again. Sound fair?

>my Any Forums
that's one of the most pathetic things i've read all day.

Attached: jew anne frank.png (749x1035, 641.32K)

>he cant stop thinking about jews
good goy

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What a shock, a quick look on [your search engine of choice] shows that's a bunch of bullshit. Wow.

>Could have left for israel

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good goy

Attached: jew israel.jpg (1200x834, 104.31K)

Didn't Zelensky flee to Poland?

My Any Forums posted racist shit because it was funny and not because they were a bunch of retards who unironically bought into it. Back to Any Forums or 8kunt or Reddlit or wherever you came from, faggot.
If there is one bad thing in this world we can all blame the Jews for, it's the advent of Christianity. Should have nailed that faggot to the cross years before they actually did.

Hey, do you have any more pics of Mary Phagan's corpse?

tbh the Anne Frank story was what redpilled me in school. I was really confused by the inconsistencies and asked the teacher (in good faith) and she completely freaked out saying that I was being antisemitic and those kinds of questions are disgusting

needless to say, after doing some research on my own, I found a whole lot more inconsistencies which to mention is also incredibly antisemitic, and now I'm here.

Hahaha chuds seething at based thread

Attached: zelenskyy based.png (640x834, 496.18K)

Don't get me wrong. You're a faggot, too. Back in the day, JIDF nerds were annoying because they constantly failed to tell the difference between lulz on the internet and neo-Nazi terrorism, but then suddenly wild neo-Nazis actually appeared because they saw a board full of "nigger" and "faggot" posts and assumed they were in good company, but ended up actually succeeding at astroturfing the chans in a way that a bunch of geeks with Jewfros in their mothers' basements in Israel never could, and now suddenly JIDF almost seems like the good guys by comparison.
Plot twist: maybe YOU were the Jewish plot all along, trying to make a bunch of Muslim-hating Orthodox religious zealous posting stuff about how based are on Any Forums somehow seem like the more reasonably choice. Some fucking M Night Shamalan shit.

*stuff about how based Israel is

zelensky fighting

looks on snapchat

>fighting aged (Muslims?) fleeing the country

yes immigrants are a great addition to the amount of pussy in your country