The worst President in American history

The worst President in American history.

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Yes, Obama started the division along racial lines in modern America history.

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Obama Derangement Syndrome. Libs just can't get over that he was their president

I mean his strength was his ability to communicate. Biden has the same agenda without the ability to speak so I believe Brandon’s #1

Obama was only elected because he’s a nigger

Biden was only ejected because they rigged the ejection

Very democratic

Obama was not even close to the worst ever. He wasnt great, but compared to the one before and the one after. W was an idiot and Trump was divisive as fuck. Obama was just meh. None of them where great though. I still stand with Nixon being the worst though.

Ehh he’s close to the worst…

lol. nigga was superior.

You know exactly jack and shit


NiXoN WAs The woRsT
You think that bc that’s what they told you. Just stop lol

and you know less.

What a fucking brain dead meme you have, Any Forumsfag. It's like looking at a forest fire and blaming the 3% of rotted wood that existed in the unburnt section of the forest.

Black man murdered by a white cop, for breaking a law that a white man in the same place would have gotten a warning for. It wasn't the cop who killed the guy, the guy was responsible for his own death because of preexisting conditions (black & criminal).

Nah let's just blame every black person in power who was not in 30 miles of where the crime was committed. It was CERTAINLY their faults, right?

You just exposed yourself with that one..

Biden makes Obama look like Abraham Lincoln.

I was no fan of Obama, I think most of the social unraveling we see today was a direct result of his far-left agenda and encouragment of rioting and violence. Putin took the Crimea, Arab Spring, dead ambassador in Benghazi, and secret midnight flights of cash to Iran all happened under his watch. That being said, yes, Biden is making this disgrace of a president look like Abraham Lincoln.

Nigger this meme steamrolls your seething ass because every caption of it is true.

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Obama/Biden teaming up with soros to train revolutionaries in Ukraine in 2014 is why putin is attacking them now

It doesn't, & the narrative it portrays is irrelevant to the facts.


Maybe the worst in your recent memory outside of Sherbahermashfaska right now.

What revolutionary’s…

>Black man murdered by a white cop, for breaking a law that a white man in the same place would have gotten a warning for.
You are so brainwashed by CNN, they never report news that does not fit their liberal narrative. Try watching other news that is more balance like RT America.

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Apart from the two that came after him?

>Russian Times America
Calls me brainwashed.

>far-left agenda and encouragment of rioting and violence
nail it

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Did Tump killed Ben Laden ?
I dont think so

>get a warning for using counterfeit money

Jesus, youre fucking stupid