Name one good movie Kevin Smith has ever made

Name one good movie Kevin Smith has ever made.
Protip: You cannot, as he is a hack.

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I liked the clerks movies

He's made 37 great movies.

The Shining

i'll admit, titanic was good

Jackass 2.5

Why? because one was in black and white and had no rising action, or because one worshipped niggers nonstop and had no rising action?

Schindler's List 2

Chasing amy

Minority Report


and thats the only good movie he has to direct really

but Dogma and Mallrats are also pretty good imo but not as good as Clerks

he is definitely a hack tho

he made movies?

malatoo nigger titties was why i loved clerks 2

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Dogma was the least classy movie ever made, and Mallrats feels like a relic from a bygone era when teenagers actually wanted shit like that, but probably better.

>gets triggered by a movie

the violence wasso violent

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Dogma was pretty alright. It also made the bold move of casting Alanis Morrissette as god instead of Morgan Freeman.

The opening of Dogma is kino. There's an active through line that follows the corruption of a nun (for keks). The angel debunks organized religion to a person who dedicated her life to that religion, who then(if you watch the background during the following scene) renounced her faith and tries to steal and spend donations around the Illinois airport.

save dat nigger money

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>chasing amy
Who talks like that - that is baby talk.

Smith is a cringe level christfag. I didn't mind the concept, but the bullshit he shoved along with it was gay.

Yeah he made "Seth Rogan fucks out of his league"

I found it inoffensive and easy enough to ignore given how much shit he talks about the organization or the religion itself.

It's really just two glorified fags talking to each other, like every single inch of film Kevin Smith has ever made except for jersey girl.

well thats what Mallrats is about.. it is a relic of an era where going to the mall actually mattered i mean thats the whole point of the frickin movie lol just because it doesn't appeal to you doesn't make it bad.. doesn't make you wrong either.

Dogma isn't supposed to have class lmao if you want a movie with class there's plenty out there but you don't go to a Kevin Smith movie- again it's just a matter of taste, not everyone is gonna be into the same shit

you dismiss those two movies but again i don't really see what you can say about Clerks being a "bad" movie- for a self-financed self-directed and written debut it's far from the worst.. imo an amazing script and this dudes one shining achievement but i think he deserves that credit

He was basically like fuck priests and angels but beat your dick to God. My problem was that it was a monotone mess of short sighted ideas, but the love God and be good for no reason preaching seemed omnipresent.

Clerks was ok. And that's mostly because he hadn't grown a massive ego, couldn't afford to over edit and allowed adlibs.

Everything after sucks. He's notoriously controlling and demands every single line be recited exactly as it appears I his scripts... He'll reshoot the simplest scenes 100 times over until whey line is delivered exactly as it appears in paper. This leads to very inorganic dialogue and the even bigger problem with this is he writes EVERYTHING in his own voice...EVERY CHARACTER, male or female...they're all written in Kevins voice. All of them.

Once you notice this it's impossible to enjoy anything he touches. His movies are nothing but him having a conversation with himself. Literally 9ebbit the moviemaker.

He's a hack who got lucky and struck oil with Clerks and somehow managed to string it out into a 30 year career.

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No you didn't. No one has ever liked clerks