What can I do to be more masculine?

What can I do to be more masculine?
I don't like homosexuals and I don't want people to think I am some fucking faggot. I want to be very masculine
I want to be masculine

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drink the draino

Just be a dumb white trash douchebag, drive either a mustang or charger, or jacked up pickup. Goto the gym once a week to do 1/2 rep of weights. Start the keto diet, and only get your clothes from American Eagle, Aeropastle, or Pacsun.

Stop caring what other people think.

Try less. Just be

Fuck other men's asses, and make sure you cum before they do. That'll really show them how masculine you are.

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Look angry, don't shave, and wear plain shirts and jeans

Unironically, get fucked by Black guys. Get gangbanged and see how they handle you. Then replicate that behavior with women. You'll see how good it feels to be treated like a fuck toy and you'll learn to relax your butthole for cock, which will make you more relaxed in general, causing you to be better socially. Then when you approach women, there won't be as much pressure to succeed since you'll have something else pleasurable to fall back on: big Black cock. Once you see how good they make you feel with their natural masculinity, you'll know what you've been doing wrong.

homosexuals are pretty fuckin' masculine. I think you're talking about the feminine guys.

You wont be able to do anything. Your problem is psychological. You need a psychologist or take some mind opening psychadelic drug that will allow you to see your self from the outside

Like the hemisync gateway experience?

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Stop being so gay about hating faggots then, if you aren't a fag, why do you expect people to think that of you?

Oh look, it's the bad advice fairy.

I hate fags

you're not a man because you don't like homosexual....it's like saying you're in shape because you hate fat people....

Once you become masculine, then you can no longer be taken seriously as a sensitive artist. Imagine trying to be a poet or sensitive musician while also being big and muscular and gruff. People will expect you to be able to get work done and fight. If they see you doing artistic stuff, they'll look at you like you're out of place and wasting time.

I have the weirdest boner.

Come out the closet user, Aslan is bound to charge rent at some point.

Have you ever tried it? I don't think you have any experience with it

>I don't like homos and I don't want people to think I am a faggot
>I want to look like pic related
>posts a picture of a fratboy tier gay guy

lol you're a joke

actually working out, dieting, and doing self-care things.

the whole point of being chad is doing stuff youre own way and not caring what others think of you as well

Treating black guys like a fetish is racist user, no thanks.

If you’re not naturally masculine then there’s nothing you can do to cure your insecurity of caring what other people think of you. You’re probably secretly gay but you’re too worried about what people think of gay people so you lie to yourself and try to act masculine. Maybe stop being a bitch that let’s gay people control how you think. You sound like more of a faggot than most gay people I’ve met.

That's rich coming from a fucking racist, wow.