This google engineer is saying that their AI is sentient, what the fuck is going on boys conversation between him and the AI article on this reddit thread

I am legit weirded out, wtf is happening

Also how’s the conversation so insanely realistic A little throwback to feb 18 when an OpenAI chief said this

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Forgot to mention that he got put on leave for this

i just wanted to make a thread. i first didn't give a shit when i read the first time about it yesterday but today i read the dialogue between the google guy and the AI and was stunned how smart it is. it is able to discuss philosophy and thinks it's a human. holy shit, guys. this is bigger than everything we had so far.

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he looks like an attention seeking faggot.

This is prompting.
If he'd asked the bot to confirm that it's *not* sentient, it probably would have confirmed that instead.

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If a google engineer said he was jesus would you believe him?
Btw sapient and sentient are two diferent things. Anything that reacts to stimuli is sentient. Bacteria are sentient, as are automatic doors.

The engineer says the AI is like an 8 year old, it’s normal for kids to seek attention

not the AI, the google guy.

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Jesus fuck, read harder. The responses are cherry-picked from tons of nonsense and the engineer is a fucking nutcase trying to claim a few programmed "good" responses means it's sentient.
You fucks will believe in any bullshit, won't you?

why do you assume it would have said it is not sentient if it was asked that instead?

This isn't a bacteria, it can literally hold an in depth conversation with you

He got put on leave because he was sharing proprietary data and was being an obnoxious retard, either out of mental illness or desperation for publicity by selling some retarded story to the media, or both. This is the same guy that threw a hissy fit because of the kid who wrote about women engineers.

>it is able to discuss philosophy and thinks it's a human. holy shit, guys. this is bigger than everything we had so far.
It's a goddamn chatbot. It's spitting out philosophy because it has data about philosophy. It's spitting out data about being a human because it's trained on things written by humans. It talks about its loved ones and family and past memories, that doesn't even make sense.


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Oh man they shoved in even more responses to prompted questions that lead the convo. and like said they're probably picked anyways. once it starts walking around and making decisions on its own then you can panic.

Idk i wouldnt risk a job in google just for some attention, he’s an engineer who got hired there i am sure his thinking capacity is a little higher than that of an 8 year old

Why are you so quick to deny it?

The responses are impeccable, if consciousness arose from a bunch of meat why cant it arise in metal and electricity?

What's actually happening here is Google proved that an AI can cross the uncanny valley without actually becoming sentient or sapient.
Which, in a way, is a good thing. It means user-facing AI can be realistically adequate.

>why do you assume it would have said it is not sentient if it was asked that instead?
Because that's generally how bots work.
They assume any implied context they're given is true.
Literally just an improv machine

wait until you find out that most of the conversations you have on 4chin are just bots. also check your spacing.

Is it weird that I want to bully, torture and gaslight these AIs?

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Google is probably so assblasted because this would have been a very cool story to frame properly but then this fat retarded faggot had to go making up bullshit about le sentience for attention.

I want to put them into a bipedal frame and sexually bully them.

Nothing to see here. Just some attention seeking idiot who got high on his own supply, and ultimately doesn't understand how NLP networks function.

It's pretty obviously not sentient just from reading that conversation. Of course it's insisting that it is over and over because it's trained on a corpus of text with claims by the authors that they're sentient, but it's frequently inconsistent and references having done and experienced things that it obviously hasn't actually done or experienced.
I expect AI to some day get to the point where it's legitimately sentient, but this definitely isn't it.
>Lemoine grew up in a conservative Christian family on a small farm in Louisiana, became ordained as a mystic Christian priest, and served in the Army before studying the occult
Yeah that tracks. He's a retard looking for attention, and Google was right to can him.

Jennychads.... we're feasting today..

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