Explain to me why entering my password here won't compromise my accounts

Explain to me why entering my password here won't compromise my accounts.

Attached: 220612144331744.jpg (977x317, 40.07K)

How would a random password there be tied to your account?

you're not special, faggot. that's why.

i always assumed this site just returned a page saying "yes, don't give away your password retard"

Password; "ihateniggers"

Attached: 2022-06-12 haveibeenpwned.com.png (1154x288, 72.36K)

Click on this fucking link you low IQ mutt

Attached: 1644532654242.png (1896x212, 396.02K)

>my password
>my accounts
imagine using the same password for all your accounts.

how is it linked to any of your accounts? also why are you using the same password for multiple accounts?

Don't enter your password into it then haha

Do it over T.O.R.

It would be stupid to enter your raw password into that box, but this link explains how you can use the API to do the search securely.

>but this link explains how you can use the API to do the search securely.
nsa must've had a real laugh when they came up with that one

read -srp 'Password: ' password
hash=$(printf '%s' "$password" | sha1sum | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')
unset password
echo ''
torsocks curl -s "api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/${hash:0:5}" | grep -F -- "${hash:5:35}"

Is this secure enough?

It just sends a hashed portion of your password.

It's smart to be cautious. Tell me your username and password, and I'll check it for you. That way it can't be traced back to you.



Don't use this web interface, which calls an API of transmitting your password over the internet to a third party service
> Instead, securely call the API directly to transmit your password over the internet to a third party service

Password: "sneed"

Attached: chrome_2022-06-12_15-18-00.png (1068x292, 81.43K)


How? "ihateniggers" is a perfect boomer password but I simply can't believe that someone, who sneeds and feeds, would get their password stolen. And for that password to be sneed!