What's the best way to learn python from zero?

What's the best way to learn python from zero?

Attached: descarga - 2022-06-12T140540.606.jpg (225x225, 6.67K)

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The Rat Book.

Here you go.

I would say "the tutorial" section would be enough to make your feet wet.

Watch sentdex, corey, tim's python introductory videos, until you reach classes, then explore by yourself.

Follow this step right now:

1- Install Visual Studio Code or Pycharm

2- Follow this beginner course from start to end

3- Now that you have the basics follow this interractive course to build web applications in Python from start to end with Django

4- Now that you know how to build web applications in Python, if you want to learn Python for data science and data analysis, follow this interractive course for data manipulation with Pandas

Now you don't need someone to hold your hand anymore.

>He takes courses form real life wojaks

CS50 on Edx then start your own small projects.

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look at code made by other people
here's what i wrote in 5mins
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from random import choice
from requests import get, exceptions
import re

def get_webpage(link):
r = get(link, timeout=15)
except exceptions.RequestException as e:
quit("timeout:", e)
if not r.ok:
quit("not ok response")
return r.text

def download_slurs():
print("downloading racial slurs...")
website = get_webpage("rsdb.org/races#african_americans")
soup = BeautifulSoup(website, features="html.parser")
table = soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "slurs"})
slurs = table.find_all("a", href=re.compile("\/slur\/.*?"))
slurs = [i.string for i in slurs]
print(f"ok: {len(slurs)} racial slurs loaded")
return slurs

def main():
slurs = download_slurs()
while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":

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nigger test pube face

Oh sorry I'm retarded I thought it counted the slurs when it hit a page at first

def is_white(user):
if user != "european":
return "nigger"
return "white"

Attached: JimDpZC6Id.jpg (850x1181, 183.68K)

acquire several mental disorded
then you are qualified for learning python

You need to be over the age of 18 to use this website

Very fun! The next step would be to have a method that returns an appropriate slur given a race. And then to use Twitter's API to find someone's race if they put it in their bio and tweet slurs at them

good thing i'm 23 but never aged mentally past the age of 12
>use Twitter's API to find someone's race if they put it in their bio and tweet slurs at them
i assume you'd need to automate the registration of new accounts as well given that they permaban anyone to the right of maoism

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post pdf

Attached: frame.png (300x300, 6.8K)

>take the QR Code, It is base64 string
>decode the base64 string
>get the link

Attached: EK5OudFXkAUcQ5v.jpg (960x1200, 80.76K)

Make a web scrapper
Hell i need to maje one

solve project euler or leetcode problems with it.