Why are IT people snooty? I'm quite humble

Why are IT people snooty? I'm quite humble

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Working with people is pain

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>much better than everyone else at the specific niche you fill
>much worse than everyone else in every other way
>get to demonstrate your one area of expertise

Bullied as kids and have a chip on their shoulder

So am I. But I don't take shit from anyone. In school I was the dude who, if you fucked with, I'd put your ass on the ground instead of running away like a bitch. Needless to say my school years were uneventful.

Look guys user was a badass in high school!
Dealing with people who probably get paid more than you yet who can't figure out the basics of filesystems and email without handholding is a drain


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Because IT people are the most qualified to know that working with technology is not hard at all. Imagine if you had to go around your workplace tying everyone else's shoes. Imagine seeing the tangled knots they make when they try to do it themselves, watching people walk around with their untied laces simply tucked under the tongue, and knowing that each and every one of these people have different shoes at home that they probably have someone else tie for them.
IT people are snooty because they very clearly see how the average person is no more able to help themselves than a child.


This is just immaturity on your part. Expecting people who don't give a fuck about a subject to have any interest in learning anything about it is ridiculous. Especially when there's already a person whose job it is to know these things and do it for you(IE you the IT guy)
I let the IT guy handle everything even stuff I could fix on my own easily, because I just dont give a fuck. I'm not being paid to fix technology or make things work or put any thought at all into it. You are.

Oh I forgot to mention, imagine if you tried to get people to learn the incredibly simple process of shoe-tying and they either tried to joke it off or went on a sanctimonious rant like this guy in a desperate attempt to pin their shortcomings on someone else. People who know absolutely nothing about things they use every single day of their lives - things their lives basically center around - will either quickly change the subject or actively put you down for daring to question why they don't try to become more self-sufficient.

But I do know those things, I'm just not going to venture outside of my job description at my job. Why should I troubleshoot my own stuff when I can just be a wage-thief and wait around for the IT guy to fix it for me?

Job security.

So are you intentionally trying to add support to my explanation of why IT people feel the way they do, or do you just not understand what's being discussed?

I don't see how its support. I'm just saying that basing your ego on feeling superior due to knowledge and education is unfounded. I don't understand why you're so opinionated on this. Its your job to fix stuff like that, so people are going to use you for it. I don't really understand why you think that situation is worth commenting on at all. I'm not being disparaging to you. I'm just saying that holding any opinion other than a neutral one in this situation is bizarre. Like... its just your job. So who cares?

>I don't see how its support.
I see. Thank you for answering my question.

Why do you guys have to be all autistic all the time

I look like that

As former IT, two reasons: 1) Some users are incredibly retarded and/or hard to deal with (sometimes rude, sometimes just impossible to explain things to - trouble understanding is more common with the elderly IME). This can make even a well-intentioned IT person sound a bit annoying to someone who can't figure how to restart their computer, etc.

2) IT people are pretty much the middle of the bell curve of intelligence. I've worked with a lot of smart IT guys but a lot of support people are midbrains and are mistaken in thinking that they are more intelligent than the rest of the population. This can lead people with already questionable personalities and bad people skills to come off as snooty. I was similarly afflicted in thinking that working in IT meant I was intelligent until I became a dev and realized that IT is piss easy compared to what I do now.

what lol