What's the proper choice for regular web backends? any answer involving Rust or C/C++ is de facto discarded

what's the proper choice for regular web backends? any answer involving Rust or C/C++ is de facto discarded

Large enough application that it needs to be usable and maintainable at a certain codebase size. Performant enough. Convenient to use enough. Balance is the prime, most important requirement.

Attached: backends.png (2048x1024, 42.31K)

It's gigakino but obscure enough to filter pajeets and brainlets

Attached: 28214161.png (280x280, 11K)

The proper choice is the boring choice. C# or Java. Or anything else in the .NET or JVM ecosystem.

ps: any other answer involving any language designed to be system-level first and foremost will also be discarded

Which one user. Which one.

Explain yourself user.

If you don't mind using Windows as a dev machine (you can deploy wherever but most of the dev tools are Microsoft), .NET

Out of those 2? C# is better.

I already use a windows dev machine, but why is it better if i have a windows dev machine? Java works well there too.

Explain yourself user.

Ops pic is hilarious.
As if writing php is harder than messing with flexboxes to make it look good on all devices, doing animations, interacting with the php, etc...
Well nodejs nowadays or whatever.



No my friend. You are retarded. Not does the pic i i took randomly from Google to meet the media requirements for posting a thread stating that the backends are more repetitive and involve more effort (not that they are harder), but working with flexboxes is the easier thing on earth. Animations are a bad idea in 90% cases and they themselves are easy and can be done in 90% cases with CSS only using transform and transition properties. I can say by your retarded post that you only worked on fizzbuzz projects or meme projects with barely any business logic needing to be handled. Backends involve way way waaaay more work than frontends, and i'm good enough with both. And when i say frontends, i'm not only talking about web frontends but also mobile and desktop.

>Not only* does the pic
(sorry for the typos)

The fact that most modern developers only know how to do node backends fucking kills me.



>Explain yourself user

It's fast enough, and more importantly, absolutely comfy to write in. Here's how much code you need to add an endpoint where you can delete a customer:

post {
val customer = call.receive()
call.respondText("Customer stored correctly", status = HttpStatusCode.Created)

>can delete a customer
Add a customer, obviously*

All validation, conversion and serialization etc etc etc is done automatically.

i need to:
>Create a CLI utility to generate custom projects for client backends and their frontends depending on their requirements
> Build an automated mailing service (mail transporter)
> Generate legal documents and invoices based on the data fed to the server
> Track orders at different stages of completion and track warehouse inventories
> Log employee and manager actions on the system
> Create analytics about a different set of metrics like default rate and rate of completion of product manufacturing
> Transaction processing with different pricing methods
> Multi-factor Permission based and role based authorization methods.

That's not an exhaustive of course. Do you really think the work that will be done on the frontend is comparable to that on the backend. The frontend will be a data oriented UI with a lot of guarded routes and a lot of lists and tabs, but still, it's not comparable.

Ignore This retard has never coded backend in his life.

C#'s just a little better than Java and the .NET VM is just a little better than JVM implementations (much better than standard ones, but a lot of big players have moved into the JVM scene and there are probably some decent ones in there). Not enough to make Java non-viable, but all other things being equal I'd choose C#.

php with laravel 9 and python api for scripts

Unironically Clojure

I actually already made my mind on the tech stack i would use and already wrote the first service but i wanted to compare the path i decided to take to the choices of others. The servers will be running on ASP.NET Core v6 with PostgreSQL databases and a YARP server for load balancing.

It wasn't a very hard choice to make. The only real alternatives for that kind of app were Java and Kotlin (maybe Scala too). The hard part is deciding what the desktop application will be built in. I can't use MS solutions because they are Windows only (and the software client must be accessible from Macs too) and i will not use MAUI because
>1- It's not mature enough yet and the project is too sensitive for testing new experimental techs
>2- I have the feeling that MAUI is a mobile-first technology which does not suit my needs at all. I want a proper desktop toolkit.

>inb4 "eeeh use electron brah". Don't. Just, shut up.

This site is not entirely filled with retards after all. The guys who suggested Kotlin, Elixir, Java or Clojure actually make sense. I expected to get a lot of Nodejs or Rust suggestions.