/notes/ - Note-taking & Building a Second Brain General

To get the knowledge out of your head and stored safely, so information is not forgotten and no energy is exerted trying to remember it.
To have a system that helps you process and understand these previously missed connections. Something that helps you create novelty out of individual packets of knowledge.


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It's not a second brain because you don't have a first



Thanks for contributing to the thread.

sticky notes and notepads

What the fuck is this spyware honeypot.
Get a notebook you stupid fucking nigger, don't rely on technology to have a brain, you become dependant.
Take back our brain, more like why don't you make it easy to create a profile of you and sell you shit with the cost of making you a slave to the antichrist.

I mean what the fuck does this retarded shit do? I would use it if I had a project and I wanted to monitor my every move through all of it so I can see the evolution of everything.
But for your personal life, you develop yourself in a personal way, you can quantify everything but it just makes your thoughts and thinking dependant on this fucking shit, develop yourself personally and with real knowledge, don't just hoard everything you think you know.

Take them.

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every thread needs a lost faggot getting really worked up over nothing and vomiting Any Forums buzzwords all over the place

I'm still wrapping my head around obsidian. It's a cool concept and it's pretty slick. I really enjoy being able to link my documents in a thought web.

What are you having a hard time with?

i haven't looked at anything op posted, but i bet they're ALL electron apps

Here are some that don't use web tech.


they look like they do
i just use pen & paper anyway

I'm still in the process of coming up with the right organization system, one that fully takes advantage of what obsidian has to offer. Do you have any tutorials you'd recommend?


All of those tutorials are made by productivity gurus who want to sell you courses that present useless information about their highly personalized note-taking workflows. It's 90% preparation 10% creation.

Just write and link [[Shit]] together with [[Other Shit]].

Here are some things to keep in mind:
- When I access this note, what other notes do I want to see?
- How can I make my notes easier to find?

Why are there so many note taking softwares? Isn't Emacs or Obsidian more than enough. What's the point of others?

Why are there so many foods? Isn't bread and water more than enough? What's the point of others?
>inb4 muh food analogy


Hey user - don’t forget about TiddlyWiki!


Free software, runs locally on your computer, and it includes everything inside of it. Infinitely hackable and extendable.