Why did liberals ruin Lord of the Rings?

Why did liberals ruin Lord of the Rings?

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just to puss off you

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Why don't you, suck my dick? Cuntservaturd.

>Why did liberals ruin Lord of the Rings?
Hmm, what happened with the book on my shelf?
Or a liberal burglar tampered with your copy or what?

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who is this guy the teeth of sauron?

go back to twitter faggit

Why did you let it get ruined for you?

probably the jews or something

Prepare for trouble

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never been on twitter. is it explained there?

Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.

No one will watch it and it probably won't make it to season 2

There must be POC and female and LGBTABCDEFG representation...to the detriment of, well, everything else.

This bullshit reminds me of the old USSR....
e.g. when a scientist published a result, like "New rocket fuel", he was obliged to put in a paragraph about how the Principles of Leninism inspired his work.

Look up ESG (not that Texas rapper)

because no normal person has enough care left to get upset that they are fucking up starwars, startrek, dr, who, comics, cartoons.

Leftist retards live off of making everyone else as miserable as they are (mostly because they dont have dads and want to kill themselves lel).

So once theyve succeeded in getting people who actually support good things to leave that hobby alone and let it go bankrupt, they move on to the next thing they know people like. They are a disease that only brings about death and destruction.

So far the only two things to avoid the culling is anime and d&d, but thats because the cancer-tards dont realize japan doesnt give a shit about them, and most d&d fags play 2nd and 4th ed. so it gatekeeps troons out.

all of these things are just entertainment for children.

it's always (((them)))

Thanks retard. You must be an empath.