How are you planning to take revenge on society for mistreating you?

How are you planning to take revenge on society for mistreating you?

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im the burden on society actually

by being happy in spite of it all

abandoning social norms and living for my own ideals and self while working to better the lives of those immediately around me as much as possible within the framework of a consumerist slave caste

By witholding my help. I have an IQ measured at four standard deviations over mean, but because I'm on the spectrum and can't pass for human, my parents threw me out into the street at 17, and I've spent my life jobless, homeless, and isolated since then.

I was a child prodigy and taught myself to read and write at the age of two from comic books, which is why they tested my IQ. I could have done anything, been anything. Instead, I've spent the last 37 christmases and birthdays alone, have never been to a dentist, and my health is devastated from a lifetime of stress and poor diet. Whatever my genius may have contributed to the world -- which I'd have offered freely -- has been totally squandered.

Going to post tranny axe wound photos in random threads and cry myself to sleep every night.

Go find some prepper groups and fight the NWO

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By living in a better way. By having principles. Living well is the best revenge.

Why? I'm INTP and see things long, long before anyone else does. I've occasionally tried to tell people what I can see coming, and no one listens. At all.

Someone asked me about 15 years ago what he should invest in. I told him to invest in stevia, that its suppression by Monsanto had stopped because the patent on Nutrasweet ran out, and it was about to explode now that Pepsi and Coca-Cola had registered patents on genetic frankenlettuce to produce steviosides, the sweet chemical from stevia.

He didn't, of course, and recently told me if he'd invested $1000 when I told him to, it would now be worth more than $3 million.

Want to know what to invest in right now? I could tell you, but it wouldn't matter because you wouldn't listen to me anyway. So I'll just keep what I see to myself and y'all normies can go fuck yourselves.

glow nigger

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you really think of yourself more highly than you should lol

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Going to be better and help those around me have a better life. Mutual aid for the homies.

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Hi, Norman. Yes, I have absolutely nothing you want, I am well aware. And at this point I wouldn't share what I have even if you begged me, which you won't. Because you're not only blind, stupid, and ignorant, you're completely happy with this squalid planet of misery you've created for yourself. I am more than happy to leave it to you, and I can't wait to leave it.

by shitposting my way through the next two decades

nice try Glowie


Wow, you really are a norman, I guess.

yeah, I am happy. I go through life stress free because everything is easy to me. I've created a paradise for myself. You can whine about being oh so smart while at the same time being a complete waste of oxygen, I see through you

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Spending all my money on chips and beer

Seems like an FBI thread. Gotta boost the number for that new category of terror 'incels' so they can get the budget they want.


Committing something like a mass shooting only leads to death or prison; so if you're not a suicidal psycho, then that's not an option.

The only real type of legal revenge a common citizen of a first world country could get without ruining their life is basically out-chadding your enemies. Become more successful and watch them seethe.