New USA map 2022

New USA map 2022

Attached: newmap.png (1371x831, 645.05K)


Already shit map

Seems likely. I predict canada is going to take a hard swing to the right as well

Works for me. I'd love to visit New Idaho someday.

Attached: New Idaho.jpg (2048x1674, 423.25K)

No idea what you're talking about. This is based on congressional districts. This is how they voted in 2020. I've only changed the borders.

dont count on it. "New Idaho" used to be called "Greater Idaho" it failed then and its failing now bc Idaho wouldnt be able to take on the debt the parts of washington and oregon would come with.

go be poor white trash somewhere else and be quiet about it.

Cool story bro. See you at midterms.

Attached: dems population change.jpg (819x1024, 114.98K)

and 60% of the population is still in the blue. cry harder faggot.

And they hate the democrats now if they have any sense. Good luck at midterms. You pedocrats will need it. Muhahahahahahahaha.

Attached: party.png (1440x840, 88.64K)

im sure youll cry foul when it doesnt go your way again. faggots gon faggot.

dont worry, JFK will be coming back to champion for you any day now. lets just sit and wait.

what exactly do you gain from supporting democrats lol

God Bless America, OP.

supporting dems? im just against the fucking nazis buddy. i could give two shits if biden and kamala caught rounds. im for the party thats pro-american and pro-democracy. fascists to the Right.

i see the instigators are out and hot tonight. gotta distract from the invasion lol we may have 15s attn spans, but oh boy are we focused rn.

if you're trolling then this is really good

Woo! Red scare FAILED! Commies celebrating!

Bruh why the fuck would idaho take more shitty land than it already has? cant say anything about oregon but I know for a fact that eastern washington sucks ass.

And it’s still only like 30% of the population

Bait and actual liberal beliefs, look exactly the same.

all this shows is that states like florida and texas are more likely to flip

Austin will never be red no matter how hard you fucktards try to gerrymander it.

Sage fake and gay map