Ok Any Forums be honest. I'm not the only guy who will randomly just wipe his ass and see this afterwards

ok Any Forums be honest. I'm not the only guy who will randomly just wipe his ass and see this afterwards.

like i must have taken a shit 3 or 4 hours ago. i passed my hand through my cheeks just now as i was in bed and yea just a bunch of shit back there that i had to wipe. why????? i wipe three times, one of those wipes will be wet. is that not sufficient or wtf?

not gay, never done gay butt shit, or "straight" butt shit, but this is actually pretty normal for me. probs been happening since at least college is when i first noticed it. im now late 20's

pic related is a paper towel not toilet paper

Attached: shit.jpg (3000x4000, 1.88M)

kill your self

You're definitely American.

I wash my ass in the bath after i poop. Cant stand the thought of having a shitty backside

so i actually have a bidet that shoot water at my asshole and yet this still happens.

also im not 600 pounds. im 190 pounds at 5'9. so im overweight but deff not obese.

You gotta get a finger in there a bit. Havent had skid marks since like 2012

is that a thing? or are u just trying to troll me into shoving fingers up my butt

You're lying

Here is the best fool proof way of wiping your ass.

How your parents failed you, I don't know.

First you grab 3 squares, fold it over and you PINCH the outside of your butthole and pull away.

Second time in you do the same, this minimizes spread, and now you can focus on the rest. Do a couple wipes until your paper is almost clean. Grab a wet wipe, and wipe your ass. You will fold it over a few times, and then when you're almost done, you stick your finger in the hole slightly to get any remaining feces out.

That is it. No more itchy bum for the rest of your life.

I swear down bro. I have like ocd about having a nasty butthole

I go in a little too with a wet wipe to ensure cleanliness

how fat are you? how much time do you spend sitting on the shitter?

>190 pounds at 5'9
You’re fat and gross

You are obese

Have you also been doing this remotely with my body? I'm 29, been involved with these booty blues since around college age. No one knows butt me and whoever reads this.

Are you sure it's all poop? Are you very hairy? I used to get gross discharge in my underwear no matter what I did. Ended up being a pilonidal cyst and I needed surgery to remove it.

I wipe until there is no trace left on the toilet paper. Then I get in the shower and use my detachable showerhead to blast my ass and wash it with soap. It's amazing how often I see particles of poo blast out after I've wiped with paper so meticulously.

>pilonidal cyst
I have one of those. need to get it fixed.

This happens to me almost daily. I noticed it after I started taking kratom everyday but could have been going on for much longer

This. I was so confused by everyone when I learned that no one else pumps a bit of soap on their hand and wipes their ass in the shower

the surgery fucking sucked, i was under for hours, but I think mine was a particularly bad one. There's nothing much more embarrassing than having to sit on one of those donut things for a while and enduring all the jokes, especially since I was a teenager at the time.

Could also be a medical condition, I don't recall the name. It's when your butt has like a pice of flesh hanging out, but not hemorrhoid. But I don't know any details.

this thread honestly ruined my night

get a bidet you fucking sub human

Just clean your ass in-between the hemoroid cracks.

Sometimes I get really bad roids and anal fissures and this happens to me, except instead of shit it's blood. So I guess it could be worse.


kek no im not lying. 4/7 times i'll be shitting in that toilet
bum doesn't itch but that technique is pretty good. i've switched up what i do and have done that before.
not much maybe once a day sometimes twice. if ever 3 that's considered a lot
overweight not obese
not hairy really
no that's not practical kek but when im done wiping the toilet paper is always clean
its pretty tight nothing hanging out but i did have hemmeroids in teh past
i have one
why'd you enter go visit a cock rate tthread faggot
i don't currently have any hemmerooids

not my first time posting i think last time i posted my asshole to see how much shit there was back there

Attached: bmi.jpg (670x368, 120.3K)

>pilonidal cyst

it's a type of cyst that can sometimes leak shit (or shit-looking) discharge if it gets bad. Typical with people with really hairy asses combined with being overweight. You mentioned you were overweight so I thought that might be it, since finding unexplainable discharge is usually how people find out they have one.

I hope mines not that bad. but I have to save up some days off since I sit all day for work.