Shit happens

Shit happens.

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fuck off astroturfing faggot

In Germany we say: Tragischer Einzelfall

Yeah who cares about asians

No one cares about white niggers and their phony crusade

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hope shit keeps happening

>Let the asians take stabbings or you're a nazi

The whole point of this thread is
>blacks are bad
I know. You know. Now everyone knows it, and they're being posted as a coordinated effort made to look like organic posts.

You can fuck off now astroturfing faggot.

>black-on-asian violence is good

>Shit happens
And it's caused by arseholes

and by niggers

What's the difference?

White supremacy strikes again!


hardly a mention in the news media.

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how can you be that ugly..
usually you have to pull a face to look ugly, but for him it comes natural

> NIggers happen

Looks like a female male impresonator to me

Every time :(

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Fuck those white supremacist!