Why did liberals ruin Lord of the Rings?

Why did liberals ruin Lord of the Rings?

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They just do what the Jew media tells them to do.

Love seeing you bitch & moan everyday about a tv show. It's your identity, to be a whiny bitch, lol

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Cry more, faggot

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What the fuck haven't the ruined? They literally ruin everything.

Tiananmen square massacre

Because gens x and z have been desperately imitating their predecessors, trying to be hip and cool. They absolutely HAD to succeed, somehow, no matter the cost. And they were told that in order to succeed they need to be "inclusive".

Because they got bored of ruining comics, videogames and starwars.

>Gen x
Uhhhh i hope you meant to type gen z and millennials. Gen X just does not give a fuck about anything.

>Gen X
I fully admit to being confused and forgetful at times, but aren't those the same?

>conservatives ruins LotR
>Blames libruls

No, lol
Gen X are people who went through adolescence during the 90s.
Millennials went through adolescence during the 00's

There are debates over the timelines and exact years but general rule of thumb is this, If you witnessed the rise and fall of DVDs to Bluray/HDDVD wars before getting outtta high school, then you are a millennial.

this one can make you feel better

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Huh. Okay, they do look mighty same to me but I guess you're right.

I love how the existance of black people ruins media for you.
I somewhat admire this direct form of racism, not bullshit excuses, simply: It has black people so it can't be good.

>someone who can only reasonably be Eowyn
>but in a boobplate instead of a regular mail to disguise herself as a regular rohirrim
Yeah, a true salve right fucking here.

Way to intentionally completely miss the point. Nobody gives a fuck if something has a black. Go fill BET with unlimited OC for all we care. Stop taking historical people or established literary figures and making them black. Are you just so lacking originality you can't make original black characters? Are you just so childishly narcissistic you can't watch a movie that doesn't include a character that looks like you? Or is this done just to piss people off and get free advertising because they know people will still be stupid enough to watch it?

They didn't even get the rights to the Simarillion. Basically they're going cover the final appendixes in the books they actually HAVE the rights to, changing basically nothing, except throwing in a couple diversity picks for 'cultural relevancy'

I want to like it but there's not even any new content, unless they do what HBO did with GoT (Basically throw the books to the wind at the end) b/c fatboy will never finish the series before he keels over
They have so many chances to make it make sense. They could have EASILY belonged to the Kingdom of the Haradrim; it was already sort of implied. Why is the queen of dwarves the only black dwarf? Wouldn't there be at least a couple others?

So far it's really making a run for (((soulless cashgrab)))

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no sun = no black dwarves or elves, think about it

niggers should only be allowed to play orcs

>Stop taking historical people or established literary figures and making them black.
So you say that once a character was played by a white person, it should always be played by a white person?
Why shouldn't this be based on merit? Let the best actor play the role, why discard black actors just because their predecessor was a white actor?
Would be pretty racist to assume that the black actors are worse than the white ones just because they are black

because liberals are evil

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Because their lives suck, and everyone else's life needs to.

For real, who cares about actor's race.

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Imagine if we had John Cena play Mace Windu.
Basically this is your argument inverted

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Andrew jacksons LOTR triology also didn't have new content. There where already previous adaptations of the exact same material as TV shows or movies. But the triology still managed to be great, even though it was based on already existing material. It did so by shifting the focus. While most of the prior adaptations, as well as the books focused heaviely on the journey of the hobbits and the friendship between the characters, the triology focused much more on the world and the overall war.

As a TV show, it has the ability to get into much more depth than is possible with movies. They can do things that the movies never could, simply by having much more screentime. Actually I hope that they use this to explore the characters and their journey more, like the books did. I am one of the few people that have read the books before watching the movies, and I think there is a lot missing in the movies that a high budget series could explore.

Nobody thinks the black actors in Amazon's LOTR were chosen for their merit, they were specifically chosen for the color of their skin and we all know it.

Gen X was born 1962-1980. Grew up with no tech in their pockets, some vidya, but spent more time outside. Definitely not millennial.

I like it. I don't think I've ever seen a black person in a fantasy story except redguards and mace windu. Cute dorf nose too.

Depending on the setting this could work. A reinterpretation of a fictional work does not need to follow it closely. For example it could be a mockumentary style parody of the jedi order, then John Cena would be a perfect pick for Windu, and tbh. I would defenetly watch that.

Especially in fiction, different interpretations do not have to be compatible with each other. Just look at the millions of Robin Hood movies or TV shows. In one he is literally a fox, which if you don't know the original story, isn't that faithful, and I argue that this is one of the greates adaptations we have.

It's supposed to be Galadriel. I could deal with the race quota stuff, maybe. But they're drastically changing one of the most pivotal characters because "wyman power". Even though she's already vying for most powerful being in middle earth without the sword and boobplate. Fuck this show.

>and we all know it.
No you assume it, and you do so because your racist brain cannot comprehend the idea that a black person could be as good if not even better than a white person at something

>For example it could be a mockumentary style parody of the jedi order, then John Cena would be a perfect pick for Windu
Except that would never have more than a snowball's chance in Hell of being greenlit.

>It's supposed to be Galadriel.
Holy shit, let me laugh even harder.

I mean to be fair Peter Jackson had over 10 hours of content, counting all the extended versions, and a vast majority of that is indeed, Walking. Do you expect any different from the studio that created these? (these are their 'fantasy' films)

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John Cena is a ridiculus actor so I picked a ridiculus example.

>hurrdurr I was only pretending
Yeah, that's totally not because an initially "black" character would have been played by a "white" actor.