Provoking Russia for months

>Provoking Russia for months
>Russia finally responds
>Oh wait, what I am supposed to do now??

Your Jewish Masters didn't gave you any further plans, did they Joe? Maybe you should say something bad about Trump, maybe that will work

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Yeah.. that's exactly whats happening.

Gotta be a dumb fuck to believe Vlads bullshit line.

Say hit to Poots mr Russia!

Putin is in Ukraine, why aren't you declaring war on him, what happened to threats and warnings, mr. muttoid?

>jewish masters
Did he get a friends of zion award like Putin or Trump?

>American Jews are Israeli Jews

Limited sanctions and diplomatic boycott, that's all you got for you colony? So much documents about corrupt deals with Hunter Biden and Ukraine will soon come out when Putin enters Kiev

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so what would you consider the ones with dual citizenship?

It's true what they say, dog that barks the loudest doesn't even bite...

''Rightful'' owners of US Congress.

>le memearrows
What has Russia been doing for the last 8 years?

my favorite part is when joe didn't go toe-to-toe with putin but sent kamala to suck his dick.

Oh no, the current president didn't prostrate himself before the Russian president, suddenly The Ukraine is important to the American Right, why did the old administration refuse to say anything the LAST time Putin invaded the Ukraine?

Yeah it's because the right has absolutely no sense of diplomacy or decorum. Instead believing that the rules only apply to the other wing.

To what do you refer?

you mean appeasing?

Its just a concerted effort to jack up the price of oil so the rich can get richer. Nothing to see here.

Biden is Putin's puppet, he won't do shit.

Not my monkeys, not my circus.

The real rebellion is when the Russian people revolt against their sadistic dictator.

How much of their money has he syphoned off into Swiss bank accounts? UK bank accounts? German bank accounts?

The call for the Russian Spring is now

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Yeah cause that never happens in western countries.

Put illegal army based near Russian border, to run a war on an other continent and destroy some country for war money machine et gas schiste
> Yes
Russia want to do the same in Cuba, cause you ruined gas schiste economi
>Boooo evil Russian!

This is stupid even by Any Forums standards

The bottom keeps getting lower

File a complaint.

Attached: Russia massing troops.jpg (794x814, 99.13K)

Sure kid

>Not my monkeys, not my circus.
guaranteed your country is reliant on either russia or america