I sent this to my college crush a few days ago

I sent this to my college crush a few days ago...
Today I logged and I saw I had to put follow her again since she went private, so I wasn’t blocked but she did go private....

Guess it’s game over for me :(

Attached: 67ADFE74-6660-4337-B08B-25EDA107ACA2.jpg (1242x2148, 560.97K)

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bro... you just posted cringe

you fucked up. you went in wayyyyyy too strong. you’re at like an 8 and you needed to be at a 3 tops. even then it might’ve ended badly

eugh, a little strong, don't you think?? Texting someone because you looked at each other? I dunno man, you lost your chance for sure.

oh boy

been there before. in our minds this seems nice and we are putting out there something that was hard to say, but from their end its just like "ew another one"

Yeah. I know it’s cringe, definitely a b/ruh moment.
I did this expecting the worst, but I felt like I had to try.
I knew there were some stalker vibes on my message before I sent it but I said fk it.
Yeah, she’s definitely has admirers. I think All the guys in our class was into her

okay its time to give up.

lmao bro wtf

You fucked up by being born in Portland. Not ur fault but Portland is full liberal fuckwits.

might as well post her pics since she's effectively ghosted you

Here is an Any Forums thread for you bro:

Lol. I unironically used to be as mentally ill as you OP. I'm so happy I grew up

ralia katsama at smcc?


Yeah, fucking blew it

Holy fuck is this is real? Are people really this cringe?

Two words....Portland Oregon

a little more recon

Maine, check the links i've posted

Welp. I’m showing this to all my friends rn. This is shit is hilarious.

Yes. Did you reverse search her pfp?

Why would I check links? That requires work. It my job to react to posts not go MacGyver.

Sent this to all my friends, thanks OP. Got several s from it.

I just searched "ralia portland smcc"


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Lmao you dumb

Any Forums thread:

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Attached: 66419298_1308462799317279_4258607704894865408_n.jpg (960x960, 100.81K)

Sure. Anons already found her so fk it

Attached: 199B439C-BAC9-4015-B17F-6DD0BBFBB01E.jpg (1158x1223, 1001.36K)

How so?

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