They rape me under that bridge, what can I do user?

They rape me under that bridge, what can I do user?

Attached: 800px-Dark_black_hole_without_LED-street_lights_under_bridge_to_main_station,_'Lahntalradweg-Graffiti-Gallery'_on_bank_of_river_Lahn_in_Marburg_2017-01-17.jpg (800x600, 84.37K)

Pay the rape goblins their toll

next time just wash your pussy before you go under that bridge , last time it smelled horrible.

Dont say no, then its not rape


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Awesome idea user

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Put thumbtacks in your holes

Rape them back

Eat at Arby's first

Stop going that way every day user.

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What happens if you go OVER the bridge?

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He'll take the low road and he'll get raped there before ye

I just wrote 2 of that messages you retarded schizo pos hahahahaha

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share nudes or gtfo

>what can I do user?

start a thread on Any Forums about some bullshit story that never happened and ask Any Forums, the worst place to ask what to do in the world, what to do

ah i see, nvm

Well there are a few things you can do.

One is to get one of those hard plasitc tubes with tiny meat hooked in them, then hide it in your butt or vag. The raper will need surgery to get it remove, unless he is dead from blood loss.
Or you can get some high end laser goggles and a super strong laser. Permanently blindness to anyone in your general area unless they have goggles themselves.
Or, get a glass vail of thioacetone. Id you get attacked, break it.
Everyone with in a mile will instsntly start puking uncontrollably and they cant sta.d up dye to the horrible smell. Good luck raping anyone when you can't even walk.

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i dont see any niggers under that bridge so im not sure if lies or the nigroes ran away.

whatever, if you see them again, just tell them they got you pregnant and you will sue them for child support.

there is nothing that scares a black man more

Make sure they raise the troll toll to get into your boy hole

you could tell em you have like HIV or hepatitis and they would probably have it too, now.

but since rapists are usually black i guess you are the one who should plan visiting a doctor since no matter what they could catch of you, they already have it because they need it