How the fuck did they come to this conclusion?

How the fuck did they come to this conclusion?

Attached: egolen.jpg (500x480, 41.49K)

Take a dump on the man of penis on poopoo. Poopoo doodoo. Anus gay doodoo on my choochoo? With sphincter flown high clapping through the wind on doodoo. Doodoo gay with poopoo? Running through fields of penis on my doodoo, doodoo hurt with no sign of poopoo. With sag bum dragging on ground like doodoo. Was really penis doodoo.


Blacks struggle with math. If blacks aren't awesome at something then it must be white supremacy. That's the liberal worldview.

Are you threatening him?

because getting the right answer is white supremacy

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I looked up the article and I don't understand the point that this professor is making. If you have two apples and add two more you have four apples. It doesn't matter what gender you are or whether you're white or black or a robot from space. You have four apples.

This is brilliant false flag gaslighting. My hat is off to the evil genius(es) behind it.

It's not about the amount. It's about who has the power to define the language we use. Our language defines our thoughts. Those who control our language will be able to control our thoughts.

As a programmer, who regulary renames his variables that still hold the same value, I have no problem with saying two and two is now five. Five is just a fancy new name for still the correct amount. Once you turn your back on me, I will redefine it to two and two is now called seven throughout the next hour.

niggers only do math to count their loot

In mathematical programing 2+2 doesn't always equal 4.

That's only because whites need to use their fingers to do arithmetic. They can't come up with any answer beyond ten.

>as a programmer
kys tranny

What are you on about.
Why would anyone rename a variable.
How can you even rename a variable.

Yup, this

i wonder how people maintain mental health when 1 of 4 billion people saying some stupid shit already makes them seethe

Am I supposed to just "trust the experts" that two plus two is four? It's "settled science" isn't it? Fucking leftist sheep.

As a programmer you have achieved nothing of value


You didn't think that through, did you?

Some of the best math teachers I had in college were black. I had teachers that were black that programed targeting systems in Apache helicopters. What can you do?

2+2=the nigger who stole my bike

Same could be said about day traders.

do your own reserch

>Some of the best math teachers I had in college were black.

Exactly, it's up to the individual. But the people claiming math is racist are a bunch of white saviors doing everything they can to help the stupid niggers. It's virtue signaling for white yuppies.

I wish we just had more people that understood that.

>Some of the best math teachers I had in college were black
Literally meaningless anecdotal. Niggers are scum and will kill you if it was a choice between you and them.

You're easy victims for the woke sjw mob. When they are about to get you, I will just turn around 360 degrees and walk away, LMAO.

Bars essentially means good lyrics