Ask me a question

ask me a question

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can you fuck off and die, you little bitch?

would you rather lost the power to walk, so you have to run every where you go.
or have to yell with everything you say

make me

Why I wanna get fucked like woman

run, obviously. if the question was "would you like to run everywhere and never walk" it would be a yes.

whats the deal with airline food?

It's important to relieve yourself every day, don't you think?

oh... Idd say the running one cus you'd be like super skinny then

Do you wanna join the augieposting group?

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>would you rather lost the power to walk, so you have to run every where you go

Or become a lib?

Would you answer?

airplanes small bad that's the worst part also I think they can't prepare a lot of things so they have limited options


whats that?

Umm I guess

same here what is augie posting. i keep seeing the dogs and refrences to "augie" but no summary of it.

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I am kinda a lib or a moderately left leaning libertarian

Its some triforce i made to end the logposters

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What do you usually get off to?

Um I dunno

oh nice

Is the pic somehow related to you?

Take cock

how is this supposed to end the logposters? are logposters afraid of dogs or something?

um guess

ya I guess I just like it and it suits my style

ackchyually they smell bad because they have taken out smoking on planes.

When smoking was allowed on planes they had to take in new fresh air from the outside to counter it.

Now they just recycle the same air thats in the plane over and over(saves costs)

Femdom? Probably stockings too

oh ok