Have you ever been homeless

Have you ever been homeless

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Wasn’t asking you

No but I can share what I've read about and my own plan in case things get tough.

Priority 1 is a job/income. So before things get too bad, try to land something, anything to get cash coming in. Second is cutting costs, which you should have already done, but it bears mentioning again. Third for me is probably obtaining a vehicle to sleep in. There's a guy called "Bob Wells", pretty famous roadtripper, that helps run a charity for low income people to get small minivans to kit out and live in. Here's one of his videos


After that, I'd either dial 211 or go to 211.org and start looking into their services": SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid. SNAP is a great program and some friends had to be on it for a time. Don't be a hero. Sec8 can be applied for but it's years in waiting. Finally, a cheap gym membership will keep you showered and exercised to keep your mood up.

That probably will get me through the short term stuff, but the hardest part is to escape out of it. So for the long term, personally, I'm constantly researching raw land in my area to buy. Often very cheap if purchased in more remote places, it can give you a safe place to at least park and something that's truly yours. But there are lots of other good housing plans out there. Most of you have undoubtedly seen the ERE site and it's step-by-step plan, but it still bears mentioning:


But what will save the day long-term is job skills and frugality. I live pretty good these days but know what I can cut out of my budget if the time comes.


No, that would be a rather strange thing to do.

Who are you asking?

Lamont Dorsey or Lamont at Large does the exact same thing. Except this guy is a real cunt. He won’t meet up with people unless they pay him or let him stay overnight

Not you

Yeah, sucked. Got a nice place now and I've reconnected with my family so I can always go back there. I had a crazy bitch ex who cheated on me then stopped me seeing my child because I didn't want to remain in a relationship after her infidelity. I threatened to kill the fat slut and I got arrested for it, my family kicked me out etc etc. I explained to them what had went on and my family agreed the fat slut was to blame, because women are snakes. I wish I could have snapped her fat covered neck like a fucking twig, I'd often fantasize about decapitating her and posting parts of her pussy through her parents letterbox.

The mother is scared shitless of me kek and so she should be. If it was legal for one day I'd kidnap and torture her. Funny thing is she actually hates the kid because it looks so much like me. I love the kid for the same reason. I hate it's mother though, and if I ever get the chance I'll wring the life from her neck

Imagine putting a kid in a fat bitch

>she actually hates the kid because it looks so much like me.
Why do you call your child ‘it’ and are you planning to kill someone lol

I've never hated anyone until her. I ruined her body and her life, she's only wanted by manlet incels. Her body was RUINED off pregnancy, at the worst of it I'd call her spaghetti belly which she fucking loathed to be called. She's also lied about being raped twice. Fat slut lmfao many keks, she can raise my seed and lament her life

She wasn't fat until pregnancy lmao just posted

I hate homeless people so much it's unreal

Nah I don't plan on killing anyone and I refer to my child as it to hide any identifying information as mine was quite the public case

I hate the international banking cartel more than the homeless, the fucking bankers and commies want us all homeless.

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lol jeez man take a chill pill

Yes a few of times. One of those by choice though, when I went hermit for 9 months



Based. Not enough people go hermit in this day and age.

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