

Attached: ujic.jpg (500x420, 38.3K)

horny bat

The asian.

Because he's black. It's in his genes and those are hard to fight.

Bcuz dem ching chongs need to go da fuck back to china

someone told me she said all lives mattered and thats why he hit her

haha good!

Right the bat hit her. That bat walked out of the store, saw an Asian woman and struck her.
2022 journalism. Can't wait to see what 2023 has in store.
>Child dies of heart attack. Doctors blame parents' refusal of 6th booster.

Because is a stupid chink hahahahhahaha


Because niggers can't control themselves.

Fake news. It was a white guy.

you're correct that the hate crime was related to Covid
like the white tweaker who hit her
you believe the Chinese are behind this

Damn those fucking baseball bats

>it was a white guy

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These niggers in America are absolutely getting out of control these days. Life in the new "Democrat America". Let the criminals just run wild. Abolish the police.

The Kenosha Guard militia and Rittenhouse stepped-up to the plate because the Wisconsin govt. were being a bunch of faggots protecting arsonists, looters and murderers.

When the govt. refuses to punish and go after criminals, then the citizens of America will step-up to take matters into their own hands. This current trend of out-of-control niggers is getting worse every day now due to namby-pamby govt., and it is eventually going piss people off to the point where self-appointed, vigilante hit-squads are going to start sniping these useless 'hoodrats in the streets - until the point is finally driven home with these stupid, fucking lefty jackoffs in charge, just like the Rittenhouse situation.

If they won't 'legally' protect us, like they're SUPPOSED TO, then WE WILL do it FOR OURSELVES. It's a God-given RIGHT. If they want to argue that, then they're NEXT to get marched-off to the gallows pole.

Wrong. The guy who hit her......

Wantez Jamel Tulloss is NOT "white".

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A-fucking-men, my nigger. Rather die fighting than live in ZOGmerica anyways.

You wouldn't believe how many niggers in my area are now just walking in and walking out of stores in front of everyone in literal broad daylight with merchandise in their hands and not even paying for it and the stores don't stop them. I even see it myself at least once a month now. It's almost becoming a joke and a meme.

Probably some Japanese porn set, they're pretty fucked in the head since we left them some uranium isotopes for a present