What would you do if everyone turned into clones of Avril Lavigne except you...

What would you do if everyone turned into clones of Avril Lavigne except you, and all of a sudden everyone was singing about how they want to be your girlfriend? How would you adjust?

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I would adjust my brain with a Glock. That sounds terrible. Ayy, Lmao.

Live a new life listening to real punk rock

How would you interact with people you know?

I would start fuuucking everyone. I can tolerate the music. She is hot.

Join in song
No way No way
I think you need a new one

But like wouldn't interactions with your family and friends be kind of awkward?

Not if they're Avril Lavigne
hey hey you you

Maybe you and your family can fight against the Avril menace.

They'd have to kill themselves

Would anyone be immune to this? Like would there be anyone who wouldn't be Avrils?

Just me otherwise they have no choice in the matter


Chuck Norris is immune.

I'm sure that somewhere there would be some degenerate Avrils who are keen for a 5 way orgy.

one of the greatest threads, lost like tears in rain


well I guess not anymore

By having the only human penis on the planet. I could get used to it.

How would you interact with people you know tho?

you keep asking this, but everyone, EVERYONE, would be avril. this question doesnt work

Except Chuck Norris.

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So, how will I get along with Chuck would be the question at hand. To be fair I think Chuck would be pretty down to earth, but I would have to explain what is happening to him and that could be hard.

We could bond over kicking avril ass or some good cowboy/karate films. Seems like a chill time.

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