Legalizing this shit was the worst thing my state has ever done...

Legalizing this shit was the worst thing my state has ever done. It's so easy to just pick up a cart and vape weed all day at work and at home. It's basically just a slight buzz to me now but I crave it. I smoke the real dope at home cuz I don't want to smell of weed at the office.

It's way too easy to get addicted to this when you can just go to the dispensary later and get some more whenever you run out with no worry in the world.

Re-criminalizing it would solve this dilemma I'm in as I would lose access to easy weed. It's the only solution

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Food should be illegal because I eat too much.

Food is essential for everyone. Weed is not essential

It's not the worst thing your state has ever done, you just have an addictive personality and let yourself smoke too much.
Have some willpower and you'll be fine.

Burn down the dispensaries! But make sure it's peacefully done.

It is for some people. That's why dispensaries were designated as essential businesses at the height of the pandemic

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I'm not BLM I don't ape out

yeah, it's just a cycle though, it's easy to break a weed addiction cycle, stop for a day or two and you'll think smoking is grossss

Sounds like you’re just a weak fag
Dispensaries are trash though. Bunch of over priced pgr boof

Ur mom's pussy is essential that's why it didn't get shut down during the pandemic

how pathetic


You think that's bad? I live in NYC and you can't walk a minute without immediately getting hit with weed or some faggot smoking it in the streets ever since it was legalized.

You sound like a little bitch.

>It's way too easy to get addicted to this

you can't handle it therefore it should be illegal. why don't you neck yourself so you don't accidentally vote in the next election? retards like you are why we can't have nice things.

cool story

pray tell whats the addictive ingredients in weed ..... take your time

i can buy legal weed 200 yards away at my corner gas station, or be a scrub and pick up roaches off the sidewalk that are everywhere. and yet, i'm sober. we don't prohibition alchol because of drunks either.

get to a meeting op


lol the city streets are littered with cone fikters.

So what? It smells great. It's just too easy to get addicted to and since you can't get a weed hangover there are no immediate negative repercussions for going overboard on.

That's why it needs to be criminalized. Not because of its smell, which happens to be great

you have shitty self control, the weed isn't the issue, you are.

you could say the same about literally any substance, even food. if you have shitty self control when eating, you get fat.

get off Any Forums and learn to control yourself, faggot