I got covid, 3 days into symptoms and probably infectious as fuck

i got covid, 3 days into symptoms and probably infectious as fuck

trips decides what I do

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rest up, stay hydrated, eat soup

>eat soup
I can't help but think of that South Park Episode.

sleep a lot and eat while you can, a week into this shit and I couldn't look at the food for a few days

The chicken soup one?

visit your elderly neighbours and share the wealth

How do you know you're 3 days into symptoms?

Go to a grocery store

Go to a Taco Bell

Enter a government building and cough on all the door handles.

Turn yourself in to the authorities immediately.

I got symptoms 3 days ago you mong

Tested positive same day

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give it to as many vaccinated as you can see they can see firsthand there’s no difference in symptoms between vaxxed and non vaxxed

you never wear a mask or get a covid19 vaccine or booster ever again.

Go to church as frequently as possible until you test negative

Go lick some doorknobs. Spread that shit.

Doesn't matter what you do. Omicron is only dangerous to a few select people, all of whom have probably gotten vaccinated and have at least some protection.

Restrictions right now are a waste of time.


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Precisely. If we all just do our part and mask up and keep away from one another, together we can beat this thing!

Take a bubble bath.

If we all get omi, we're likely to have at least some resistance to the next strain. Omi is like an airborne vaccine.

I'm all for vaccines, and restrictions made sense in the early days. But now? No. Corona has adjusted to its host now, and is unlikely to kill it. Hospitals have no problem keeping up, and everyone vulnerable have had vaccines. And if they didn't accept them, that's their risk to run. We shouldn't keep the world closed for people who refuse to help themselves.

People who wear masks make me sick to my fucking stomach.

You gullible, low-brain-power, useful idiots. Blindly worshipping the television screen and your government masters. Obsessing over politics. "Left wing"? "Right wing"? Two wings of the same, tyrannical bird, you dummies.

You know nothing of history or how this world works. You are a sponge, sucking up any propaganda the rich, psychopathic elites feed you from the lying, fear-mongering clown media. Remember "15 days to slow the spread"? Its been almost a year. How much longer? Until your masters say it's okay? Not going to happen. You give them an inch, they take a mile.

You filthy, disgusting apes. Total brain-dead, primate scum wearing your muzzles like the good sheep farm animals that you are. You have no values, dignity or appreciation of humanity and freedom.

Absolute cowards that wont stand up for anything, even your own identity and right to breathe fresh air.

You have been emasculated, sheltered and indoctrinated to such a point, where you now police and monitor each other for not following the medically-tyrannical "rules" and "mandates". You have been conditioned to follow orders. Trespassing on others' property and calling armed men, because a free man wont wear cloth over his face. This is George Orwell's 1984. You complete retards. You dumbed-down filth.

Just die, you freaks. You are headed down the road to slavery and loss of human rights and taking everyone else with you. You are the herd dragging everyone else off the cliff.

Covid-19 is the new invisible enemy "boogeyman" on TV to strip your life away. A buzzword replacing the common cold. Congratulations - you've let the cold become the terrorist. The "Al Qaeda". The "ISIS". You weird faggot pedophiles.

Pathetic zombies. Nothing says "NPC" more than a crowd of soulless, empty people wearing muzzles for the cold.

Eat my wet shit, you fucking coronapuppets.

You know I'm right. Wake up and make the world a better place.

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