Lost dad a year and a half ago to drug overdose...

lost dad a year and a half ago to drug overdose. told him if he gave me time to finish school I would help him with rehab. he was dead less than 3 months later. if anyones interested I can post more about it. Shit eats at me to this day

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Sorry to hear about it user.
How are you doing right now?

Sorry for your loss user.
Youre a great son for offering your help.

wich drug?

How long was he on stuff for? How old are you?

at this point better but it’s still pretty consistent. comes in waves

thank you. i was still away in undergrad at the time and couldn’t be in town for him


was on it when i was a kid. got off and my senior year of hs relapsed. his wife left him because of it and he just spiraled. i’m 22 now

That is understandable, I wish you all the best in the future user, could never visioned losing my own dad.
Stay strong

How did he die from meth? Did he have a heart attack or something?

apologies, it’s much easier to explain to people irl that he overdosed. he shot up so much that he got an infection and never got it treated. died of sepsis

Oh yeah that makes sense I was just curious because I've never heard of meth being deadly to use, just that it will turn you into a psycho addict. I also knew a girl who got a really bad infection in her arm and they were going to cut it off so she offed herself.

I am like this with my ex. My family wasn't really much of a family, hers wasn't either, so we each other was all we had.

She too was hooked on drugs. Not anything in particular; drugs. She was messed up, would take close to anything to escape. It tore us apart. She is not dead, she kind of lost it. She's pushed all her loved ones away and is destroying herself doing things she hates. Being mad at her for it only makes it worse. It kills me thinking she's out there, but I knew the best thing for her was letting her go. She learns, or she too dies to an OD like her best friend.

It's strange, truly loving someone determined to self destruct. Sacrificing a piece of yourself to tell them it's ok every time they hit a new low. It's almost like you feel worse when you see how much they want to stop, but just can't. It sounds close to impossible, but you have to let go.

You did the best you could, and your father did the best he could. Imagine what he would tell you if he saw you afterwords. He wouldn't say be sad for me. He wouldn't say put your life on hold for me. He would say toughen up son, shit happens, as every loved one in this situation would want to have the strength to say.

You're going to be ok Any Forumsrother. Don't be sad for the bad times, be happy for the good ones. Learn from it, and be a better man both for yourself, and for him. Read some philosophy, get therapy, kick some ass. Godspeed user. I wish you the best.

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yea I actually think it’s pretty tough to overdose on meth, it’s just the shit it makes you do that’ll kill you. in his case he got an infected arm and didn’t go to the hospital in time. I talked to him a week before he passed on my birthday and I didn’t go see him bc he had forgotten what day it was. maybe would’ve been able to see how bad it was

Be strong user
It’s never easy losing a parent at a young age. Just don’t ever think that you could have stopped his drug use, he was fighting his own demons and many times those demons win.
Be sure to remember whatever good times you can and know that he didn’t do any of it to hurt you...the dark place he was in will often blind people to what they damaged around them

thank you. I agree with what you said about self-destruction. I hated what he was doing at the time and hate it now. addiction aside he was a great father. never abandoned us, never any abuse. he was a great role model and an extremely complex character. thanks for the advice.

extremely true. he was too hard on himself and pushed us aside when he could’ve used us the most. it’s difficult not to let your mind wander on what you could’ve done differently but after he passed I realized it was inevitable. Some things you just have to shoulder for the rest of your life

also i’m sorry to hear about your ex, man. I hope she finds her way and drags herself out of that shit before it’s too late. you can only help them so much, right?

It will eat at you less often over time, but the pain will always be there.

The pain will be less the more become the man you can be professionally, socially, and a pillar of your community.

Get that degree, ace that job, write that book, and be there for your son.

You're absolutely right man. Only they have the power to pull themselves out of it. All you can do is provide a helping hand, they have to want to reach out and grab it.

Thank you for that. I hate to say it, but I'm used to it. My father was an alcoholic to the point it ruined our family. I've been surrounded by addiction my entire life. It doesn't affect me as it once did. I dislike the idea that we get used to giving up on people, but it truly is in the best interest of both ourselves, and that person who is lost.

Good luck with recovery friend, it gets easier.

Sounds like he was a fucking loser. Try to learn from this and stay away from that shit and other soul suckers.