Walk into your bedroom

>Walk into your bedroom
>You find Millie Bobby Brown standing there
Wat do?

Attached: Millie bobby brown.jpg (579x845, 160.89K)

Ask why she looks like she aged 15 years in a week

Say hello and be pollite. Probably gush over her, she is very cute. Hopefully cuddle and play with her butt.

Blast her head with a semi auto


That's a pretty ugly thing to write.

It’s Any Forums you cunt

> Ask her who she is because I don't know who that is
> Ask her if she wants to get dinner so we can get to know each other
> We go to dinner. I order neat whiskey and she probably orders a Mountain Dew, but it takes her 2-3 secons to answer because she's on her phone
> I ask her where she's from, how she got in my apartment building with two locked doors
> She's sidetracked because of some new fucking superhero movie that came out and asks me which avenger is my favorite
> I tell her it's like Spiderman or something but I have only seen End Game

The conversation becomes very annoying because I don't actually care about any of this and I offer her a ride home and she says sure and I don't pay for her meal to prove a point


ask her to share her leaked nudes

Extort her for her money.

Attached: angry teddy.gif (440x247, 620.75K)

As she has just turned 18, I would fuck her in the ass!


start crying. why is she in my room :(

double fist her into womenhood

Attached: pretty baby.png (1231x196, 36.15K)

360 and walk out

Idiot you would be facing her

This bitch looks like she's in her 30's. Ain't no way she just turned 18f

What the fuck are you doing in my house?

Kill her and then buy stuff with her money

That is what she looks like now,you been looking at too many threads posted here which are younger images of f her,she is like 18 now.