Why is he being a pussy?! Just.. DO IT!!!

Why is he being a pussy?! Just.. DO IT!!!

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Russia has nothing to gain from invading Ukraine.
For fantasy wars, I'd much rather see the US invade Mexico and start genociding and pogroming hard.

I'm going to fuck my white fwb even harder just for this post

Get 3 Russians, paint the numbers 1,2 and 4 on them, set them loose in Kyiv, takes a Ukraine to get them out.


Okay Jose.

> pedro larping hard as he seethes


The US will never be involved in this conflict. Doesn't matter who's president there's nothing to gain here.

> the spicaroo is tryna dig at you
> he's a larping faggot who dicks rides a baguette (his frech boyfriend)

There's nothing quite as pathetic as trying hard to be a tough guy; except maybe supporting the sad fucking pussy. Your macho man is a chump

He is actually asking Americans to give him a date, because the US media is talking more about the supposed invasion than Russian or Ukrainian media does.

(1) If Russia wins the fight, they lose the war as the consequences to their actions hit home in a powerful economic storm which he can't afford;
(2) If Russia loses the fight, Putin looks like a weak leader, and Russia cannot be ruled by weak men--Putin would be out;
(3) If Putin pulls back forces....see point #2;
(4) If the West comes to an agreement with Putin over NATO expansion, Putin, arguably, "wins."

its all a bunch of smoke and mirrors..they need a distraction to shut down the trucker protest.

he is lol, haven't you seen all the videos of the mortars hitting buildings and shit?

BS! Source? It's on the edge, but no nutting

russia does this constantly. they're testing the west's response.... they're checking for weakness

They're really pushing it this time tho

Yea, how dare they to be in their country next to their border, it's too far, if they get any closer, they will reach shores of New York.

This. Putin doesn’t actually want to invade, but the US govt is so cucked by the defense industry that they’re trying to kick off a proxy war so they can sell more weapons. Kinda fucked, really.

maybe he's finally ready to go all in
>>domestic pressures increased since last venture

americans are fat and stupid lol and their country is getting cucked by niggers. americas suck on russia peepecks and then ask why doctor give them bad bill of health, china is better than all things

I hate when people say this shit too.
Russia could do literally anything and "the west" wouldn't cause any problems. "The west" isn't equipped for war. The Russians and Chinese are decades ahead of "the west" militarily because Europe effectively gave up 70 years ago, and the US hasn't been doing anything but laundering money and making the elites and their friends rich for the last 50 years. Even if it weren't for the staggering technological gap, the US forces are not large enough, disciplined enough, or patriotic enough to actually fight a ground war off domestic soil. Russia would exert overwhelming air superiority in a real war between Russia and "the west". The US couldn't even begin to launch an assault. The US isn't even capable of launching an assault on Iran.

Because he is afraid of Joe Biden
HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA... I almost couldn't type it because I was laughing so hard.

It's coming. US and UK won't do anything. Nor will the rest of the world without the support of those 2

Sanctions bla bla. They stand to lose just as much by them as Russia will.

War nonetheless is coming